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StiComponentToolboxPosition Enumeration

Enumeration which sets positions of the report components on the toolbox of the report designer.

Namespace:  Stimulsoft.Report.Components
Assembly:  Stimulsoft.Report (in Stimulsoft.Report.dll) Version: 2019.3.1.0
public enum StiComponentToolboxPosition
  Member nameValueDescription
ReportTitleBand1 Sets a position of the ReportTitle band on the toolbox of the designer.
ReportSummaryBand2 Sets a position of the ReportSummary band on the toolbox of the designer.
PageHeaderBand3 Sets a position of the PageHeader band on the toolbox of the designer.
PageFooterBand4 Sets a position of the PageFooter band on the toolbox of the designer.
GroupHeaderBand5 Sets a position of the GroupHeader band on the toolbox of the designer.
GroupFooterBand6 Sets a position of the GroupFooter band on the toolbox of the designer.
HeaderBand7 Sets a position of the Header band on the toolbox of the designer.
FooterBand8 Sets a position of the Footer band on the toolbox of the designer.
ColumnHeaderBand9 Sets a position of the ColumnHeader band on the toolbox of the designer.
ColumnFooterBand10 Sets a position of the ColumnFooter band on the toolbox of the designer.
DataBand11 Sets a position of the Data band on the toolbox of the designer.
HierarchicalBand13 Sets a position of the Hierarchical band on the toolbox of the designer.
ChildBand14 Sets a position of the Child band on the toolbox of the designer.
EmptyBand15 Sets a position of the Empty band on the toolbox of the designer.
OverlayBand16 Sets a position of the Overlay band on the toolbox of the designer.
CrossGroupHeaderBand21 Sets a position of the CrossGroupHeader band on the toolbox of the designer.
CrossGroupFooterBand22 Sets a position of the CrossGroupFooter band on the toolbox of the designer.
CrossHeaderBand23 Sets a position of the CrossHeader band on the toolbox of the designer.
CrossFooterBand24 Sets a position of the CrossFooter band on the toolbox of the designer.
CrossDataBand25 Sets a position of the CrossData band on the toolbox of the designer.
Text101 Sets a position of the Text component on the toolbox of the designer.
TextInCells102 Sets a position of the TextInCells component on the toolbox of the designer.
SystemText103 Sets a position of the SystemText component on the toolbox of the designer.
ContourText104 Sets a position of the ContourText component on the toolbox of the designer.
RichText105 Sets a position of the RichText component on the toolbox of the designer.
Image106 Sets a position of the Image component on the toolbox of the designer.
BarCode107 Sets a position of the BarCode component on the toolbox of the designer.
Shape108 Sets a position of the Shape component on the toolbox of the designer.
Line109 Sets a position of the Line component on the toolbox of the designer.
Container110 Sets a position of the Container component on the toolbox of the designer.
Panel110 Sets a position of the Panel component on the toolbox of the designer.
Clone112 Sets a position of the Clone component on the toolbox of the designer.
CheckBox113 Sets a position of the CheckBox component on the toolbox of the designer.
SubReport114 Sets a position of the SubReport component on the toolbox of the designer.
WinControl115 Sets a position of the WinControl component on the toolbox of the designer.
ZipCode116 Sets a position of the ZipCode component on the toolbox of the designer.
HorizontalLinePrimitive150 Sets a position of the HorizontalLinePrimitive component on the toolbox of the designer.
VerticalLinePrimitive151 Sets a position of the VerticalLinePrimitive component on the toolbox of the designer.
RectanglePrimitive152 Sets a position of the RectanglePrimitive component on the toolbox of the designer.
RoundedRectanglePrimitive153 Sets a position of the RoundedRectanglePrimitive component on the toolbox of the designer.
Chart200 Sets a position of the Chart component on the toolbox of the designer.
Table201 Sets a position of the Table on the toolbox of the designer.
CrossTab202 Sets a position of the CrossTab band on the toolbox of the designer.
Map210 Sets a position of the Gauge component on the toolbox of the designer.
Gauge220 Sets a position of the Gauge component on the toolbox of the designer.
TableElement301 Sets a position of the Dashboard Table component on the toolbox of the designer.
ChartElement302 Sets a position of the Dashboard Chart component on the toolbox of the designer.
ComboBoxElement400 Sets a position of the Dashboard ComboBox component on the toolbox of the designer.
GaugeElement303 Sets a position of the Dashboard Gauge component on the toolbox of the designer.
PivotTableElement304 Sets a position of the Dashboard Pivot component on the toolbox of the designer.
IndicatorElement305 Sets a position of the Dashboard Indicator component on the toolbox of the designer.
ProgressElement306 Sets a position of the Dashboard Progress component on the toolbox of the designer.
RegionMapElement307 Sets a position of the Dashboard Map component on the toolbox of the designer.
ListBoxElement308 Sets a position of the Dashboard ListBox component on the toolbox of the designer.
OnlineMapElement309 Sets a position of the Dashboard Online Map component on the toolbox of the designer.
ImageElement310 Sets a position of the Dashboard Image component on the toolbox of the designer.
TextElement311 Sets a position of the Dashboard Text component on the toolbox of the designer.
PanelElement312 Sets a position of the Dashboard Panel component on the toolbox of the designer.
ShapeElement313 Sets a position of the Dashboard Shape component on the toolbox of the designer.
TreeViewElement314 Sets a position of the Dashboard TreeView component on the toolbox of the designer.
TreeViewBoxElement315 Sets a position of the Dashboard TreeViewBox component on the toolbox of the designer.
DatePickerElement316 Sets a position of the Dashboard DatePicker component on the toolbox of the designer.
UserCode1000 Sets a position of the UserCode component on the toolbox of the designer.
See Also