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Stimulsoft.Report.Components Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Report.Components"]

Public classStiArgumentExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Argument.
Public classStiBand
Describes the base class for bands.
Public classStiBandInfoV2
Public classStiBandInteraction
Public classStiBarCodeExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of code of barcodes.
Public classStiBaseCondition
The class describes the base class of condition.
Public classStiBookmark
The class describes a base bookmark class.
Public classStiBookmarkExpression
Describes class that contains an expression for bookmark calculation.
Public classStiBookmarksCollection
Describes a collection to store Bookmark.
Public classStiCheckBox
Class describes the component - Check Box.
Public classStiCheckedExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of checked state.
Public classStiChildBand
Desribes the class that realizes the band - Child Band.
Public classStiClone
Describes class that realizes component - Clone.
Public classStiCloneInfoV1
Public classStiCollapsedExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for calculation of collapsed value.
Public classStiColorScaleCondition
The class describes the condition with Color Scale indicator.
Public classStiColumnFooterBand
Desribes the class that realizes the band - Column Footer Band.
Public classStiColumnHeaderBand
Desribes the class that realizes the band - Column Header Band.
Public classStiComponent
Describes the base class for all components.
Public classStiComponentDivider
Class helps devide component by part.
Public classStiComponentHelper
Summary description for StiComponentHelper.
Public classStiComponentPainter
Summary description for StiComponentPainter.
Public classStiComponentsCollection
Describes a collection component.
Public classStiCondition
The class describes the condition.
Public classStiConditionHelper
Class helps apply style with name to component.
Public classStiConditionsCollection
Describes the condition collection.
Public classStiContainer
Describes the class of Container. This class visible only in EngiveV1. EngiveV2 uses StiPanel class.
Public classStiContainerHelper
Summary description for StiContainerHelper.
Public classStiContainerInfoV1
Public classStiContainerInfoV2
Public classStiContextToolAttribute
Attribute links the context tool with the component.
Public classStiContourText
The class describes the Contour Text.
Public classStiCrossDataBand
Class describes Cross Data Band.
Public classStiCrossFooterBand
Class describes Cross Footer Band.
Public classStiCrossGroupFooterBand
Class describes Cross Group Footer Band.
Public classStiCrossGroupHeaderBand
The class describes Cross Group Header Band.
Public classStiCrossHeaderBand
The class describes the Cross Header Band.
Public classStiCrossHeaderInteraction
Public classStiCrossLinePrimitive
Describes class that realizes component - StiCrossLinePrimitive.
Public classStiCrossLinePrimitiveHelper
Public classStiCutPieListExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Cut Pie List.
Public classStiDataBand
Describes the class that realizes a Data Band.
Public classStiDataBandInfoV1
Public classStiDataBandInfoV2
Public classStiDataBandSQLFilterHelper
Public classStiDataBarCondition
The class describes the condition with Data Bar indicator.
Public classStiDataBarIndicator
Public classStiDataHelper
Public classStiDataUrlExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for calculation of DataUrl.
Public classStiDimensionLinesHelper
Public classStiDrillDownParameter
Public classStiDynamicBand
Describes the base class for static bands.
Public classStiEmptyBand
Desribes the class that realizes the band - Empty Band.
Public classStiEndPointPrimitive
Public classStiExcelSheetExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for calculation of ExcelSheet.
Public classStiExcelValueExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for calculation of ExcelValue.
Public classStiExpression
Describes class that contains an expression.
Public classStiFilter
Public classStiFilterExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for filter calculation.
Public classStiFilterHelper
Class contains methods to work with filters.
Public classStiFiltersCollection
Describes the filter collection.
Public classStiFooterBand
Describes the class that realizes the band - Footer band.
Public classStiFooterBandInfoV1
Public classStiFooterBandInfoV2
Public classStiGdiTextRenderer
Public classStiGroupConditionExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of group condition.
Public classStiGroupFooterBand
Class describes Group Header Band.
Public classStiGroupFooterBandInfoV1
Public classStiGroupFooterBandInfoV2
Public classStiGroupHeaderBand
The class describes the Group Header Band.
Public classStiGroupHeaderBandInfoV1
Public classStiGroupHeaderBandInfoV2
Public classStiGroupSummaryExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of group summary expression.
Public classStiHeaderBand
Desribes the class that realizes the band - Header Band.
Public classStiHeaderBandInfoV1
Public classStiHeaderBandInfoV2
Public classStiHierarchicalBand
Describes the class that realizes a Hierarchical Band.
Public classStiHierarchicalBandInfoV2
Public classStiHighlightCondition
This class is Obsolete. Please use Conditions.
Public classStiHorizontalLinePrimitive
Describes class that realizes component - StiHorizontalLinePrimitive.
Public classStiHyperlinkExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for calculation of hyperlink.
Public classStiIconSetCondition
The class describes the condition with Icon Set indicator.
Public classStiIconSetHelper
Class helps in working with Icon Set images.
Public classStiIconSetIndicator
Public classStiIconSetItem
The class describes the icon set items.
Public classStiImage
The class describes the component of printing for image printing - Image.
Public classStiImageDataExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for calculation of ImageData.
Public classStiImageURLExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for calculation of ImageURL.
Public classStiIndicator
Public classStiInteraction
Public classStiLinePrimitive
Describes class that realizes base component for all primitives with lines.
Public classStiListOfArgumentsExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Arguments.
Public classStiListOfHyperlinksExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Hyperlinks.
Public classStiListOfTagsExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Tags.
Public classStiListOfToolTipsExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of ToolTips.
Public classStiListOfValuesCloseExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Values.
Public classStiListOfValuesEndExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Values.
Public classStiListOfValuesExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Values.
Public classStiListOfValuesHighExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Values.
Public classStiListOfValuesLowExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Values.
Public classStiListOfValuesOpenExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Values.
Public classStiListOfWeightsExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of List of Weights.
Public classStiMargins
Describes the class that realizes object margins.
Public classStiMultiCondition
The class describes the condition.
Public classStiMultiConditionContainer
Public classStiNullImage
Public classStiOverlayBand
Desribes the class that realizes the band - Overlay Band.
Public classStiPage
Report page class.
Public classStiPageFooterBand
Describes the class that realizes the band - Page Footer Band.
Public classStiPageHeaderBand
Describes the class that realizes the band - Page Header Band.
Public classStiPageHelper
Summary description for StiPageHelper.
Public classStiPageInfoV1
Public classStiPageInfoV2
Public classStiPagesCollection
The class describes a collection of pages.
Public classStiPagesCollectionCacheL2
Public classStiPagesCollectionCacheL2Block
Public classStiPagesCollectionPageMetric
Public classStiPanel
Describes the class of Container.
Public classStiParameter
Public classStiParametersCollection
Describes a collection parameter.
Public classStiPointPrimitive
Public classStiPrimitive
Describes class that realizes base component for all primitives.
Public classStiPropertyOrder
Public classStiRectanglePrimitive
Describes class that realizes component - StiRectanglePrimitive.
Public classStiReportSummaryBand
Describes the class that realizes the band - Report Summary.
Public classStiReportTitleBand
Describes the class that realizes the band - Report Title Band.
Public classStiRestrictionsHelper
Public classStiRichText
The class describes a component that allows to outtype RichText.
Public classStiRichTextHelper
Public classStiRoundedRectanglePrimitive
Describes class that realizes component - StiRoundedRectanglePrimitive.
Public classStiShape
Class describes the component that serves to show shapes.
Public classStiShowInContextMenuAttribute
Attribute links the context tool with the component.
Public classStiSimpleText
Describes the class that realizes the component - StiText.
Public classStiSortHelper
Public classStiStandardTextRenderer
Public classStiStartPointPrimitive
Public classStiStaticBand
Describes the base class for static bands.
Public classStiSubReport
Describes class that realizes component - SubReport.
Public classStiSubReportInfoV1
Public classStiSystemText
Describes the class that realizes a category - SystemText.
Public classStiTagExpression
Describes the class that contains an expression for tag calculation.
Public classStiText
Describes the class that realizes the component - Text.
Public classStiTextInCells
Describes the class that realizes the component - StiTextInCells.
Public classStiTextInCellsHelper
Public classStiTitleExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Title.
Public classStiToolboxAttribute
The class describes the attibute that serves for whether the component in the Toolbox can be shown or not.
Public classStiToolTipExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for tool tip calculation.
Public classStiTypographicTextRender
Public classStiUndefinedComponent
Public classStiUnifiedExpression
Describes class that contains an expression.
Public classStiValueCloseExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Value Close.
Public classStiValueEndExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Value End.
Public classStiValueHighExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Value High.
Public classStiValueLowExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Value Low.
Public classStiValueOpenExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of Value Open.
Public classStiVerticalLinePrimitive
Describes class that realizes component - StiVerticalLinePrimitive.
Public classStiView
The class describes the base component that renders into an image.
Public classStiWatermark
The class describes the watermark of the page.
Public classStiWinControl
Public classStiWpfTextRender
Public classStiWysiwygTextRender
Summary description for StiWysiwygTextRender.
Public classStiZipCode
Class describes the component - ZipCode.
Public classStiZipCodeExpression
Describes the class that contains the expression for calculation of zipcode.
Public interfaceIStiAnchor
Public interfaceIStiAutoWidth
Interface describes a component auto width.
Public interfaceIStiBackColor
Public interfaceIStiBorder
Interface describes a frame of an object.
Public interfaceIStiBorderColor
Public interfaceIStiBreakable
Describes interface of breakable feature.
Public interfaceIStiBrush
Interface describes a brush of an object.
Public interfaceIStiBusinessObject
Inteface describes a business object in the component.
Public interfaceIStiCanGrow
Interface describes a component growing.
Public interfaceIStiCanShrink
Interface describes a component shrinking.
Public interfaceIStiChartComponent
Public interfaceIStiClone
Allows to create components - clones.
Public interfaceIStiComponentDesigner
Interface describes a component designer.
Public interfaceIStiComponentGuid
Allows to assign Guid to component.
Public interfaceIStiComponentGuidReference
Allows to assign reference to Guid of component.
Public interfaceIStiComponentsOwnerRenderer
Public interfaceIStiConditions
Allows to control conditions.
Public interfaceIStiCrossTab
Public interfaceIStiCrossTabField
Public interfaceIStiDataBarIndicator
Interface describes base properties for Data Bar Indicator.
Public interfaceIStiDataRelation
Allows to set relation that is used to set detail of data in the component.
Public interfaceIStiDataSource
Inteface describes a data source in the component.
Public interfaceIStiEditable
Public interfaceIStiEnumAngle
Public interfaceIStiExportImage
Public interfaceIStiExportImageExtended
Public interfaceIStiFilter
Allows to control filtering of data.
Public interfaceIStiFont
Interface describes font of object.
Public interfaceIStiForeColor
Public interfaceIStiGetActualSize
Public interfaceIStiGlobalizedName
Public interfaceIStiGroup
Interface describes the component grouping.
Public interfaceIStiGrowToHeight
Interface describes a component growing to height.
Public interfaceIStiHideBorderFromDesigner
Allows to hide component borders from gui of report designer.
Public interfaceIStiHideFromReportTree
Allows to hide component from report tree in report designer.
Public interfaceIStiHorAlignment
Inteface describes the horizontal alignment of an object.
Public interfaceIStiIgnoreBorderWhenExport
Public interfaceIStiIgnoreOffset
Allows to hide component from Offset method.
Public interfaceIStiIndicator
Interface describes a component indicator.
Public interfaceIStiIndicatorCondition
Interface which provide method for indicator creation for conditions with indicators.
Public interfaceIStiInteraction
Public interfaceIStiInteractionClass
Public interfaceIStiKeepChildTogether
Allows to keep all childs together, if possible.
Public interfaceIStiKeepDetailsTogether
Allows to keep all details together, if possible. EngineV2 only.
Public interfaceIStiKeepFooterTogether
Allows to keep footer with data togehter.
Public interfaceIStiKeepGroupFooterTogether
Allows to keep group footer with data togehter.
Public interfaceIStiKeepGroupHeaderTogether
Allows to print group header with data together.
Public interfaceIStiKeepGroupTogether
Allows to keep all group together, if possible.
Public interfaceIStiKeepHeaderTogether
Allows to print header with data together.
Public interfaceIStiKeepReportSummaryTogether
Allows to keep report summary with data togehter.
Public interfaceIStiMasterComponent
Describes indicator on the master-component.
Public interfaceIStiOddEvenStyles
Public interfaceIStiOnlyText
Public interfaceIStiPageBreak
Public interfaceIStiPrintAtBottom
Allows to print footer at bottom of page.
Public interfaceIStiPrintIfDetailEmpty
Allows to print data, if detail is empty.
Public interfaceIStiPrintIfEmpty
Allows to control of data printing, if data is empty.
Public interfaceIStiPrintOn
Public interfaceIStiPrintOnAllPages
Allows to control of the component printing on all pages.
Public interfaceIStiPrintOnEvenOddPages
Allows to control of the component printing on even-odd pages.
Public interfaceIStiProcessAt
Public interfaceIStiProcessAtEnd
Public interfaceIStiRenderMaster
Public interfaceIStiRenderTo
Describes interface of RenderTo.
Public interfaceIStiResetPageNumber
Allows to reset page number on this control.
Public interfaceIStiSelect
Describes an object selection.
Public interfaceIStiSelectedLine
Public interfaceIStiSeriesParent
Public interfaceIStiShape
Public interfaceIStiShift
Allows to control shift of the component.
Public interfaceIStiSimpleBorder
Interface describes a frame of an element.
Public interfaceIStiSort
Describes data sorting.
Public interfaceIStiStartNewPage
Allows to print every new line on the new page.
Public interfaceIStiSuperToolTipLocalization
Interface provides properties for SuperToolTip information.
Public interfaceIStiText
Dewscribes text in the component.
Public interfaceIStiTextBrush
Describes brush for text drawing.
Public interfaceIStiTextFont
Public interfaceIStiTextFormat
Desribes formatting of the text.
Public interfaceIStiTextHorAlignment
Describes the text horizontal alignment.
Public interfaceIStiTextOptions
Describes text options.
Public interfaceIStiUnitConvert
Describes the inteface for the component convertion from unit into another.
Public interfaceIStiVertAlignment
Describes the vertical alignment of an object.
Public enumerationStiAligning
Modes of the components alignment.
Public enumerationStiAnchorMode
Public enumerationStiAngle
Public enumerationStiBrushType
Styles of brush for drawing Data Bar Indicator
Public enumerationStiCheckStyle
Check style.
Public enumerationStiColorScaleType
Types of color scale indicator.
Public enumerationStiColumnDirection
Enumeration contains type of column direction.
Public enumerationStiComponentPriority
Enumeration which sets the priority of processing of components.
Public enumerationStiComponentToolboxPosition
Enumeration which sets positions of the report components on the toolbox of the report designer.
Public enumerationStiComponentType
A type of processing of a component when printing.
Public enumerationStiConditionBorderSides
Sides of the border in conditions.
Public enumerationStiConditionPermissions
Permissions of report conditions.
Public enumerationStiDataBarDirection
In which direction data bar will be filled by brush, from left to right or from right to left.
Public enumerationStiDockStyle
Public enumerationStiDrillDownMode
Public enumerationStiEmptySizeMode
Public enumerationStiFilterCondition
Public enumerationStiFilterDataType
Public enumerationStiFilterEngine
Public enumerationStiFilterItem
Public enumerationStiFilterMode
Public enumerationStiGroupSortDirection
Public enumerationStiGroupSummarySortDirection
Public enumerationStiGroupSummaryType
Public enumerationStiHighlightState
Types of selection of the component in the window of viewer.
Public enumerationStiIcon
Icons for Icon Sets Indicator.
Public enumerationStiIconSet
List of icons for Icon Sets Indicator.
Public enumerationStiIconSetOperation
Operation which used in Icon Sets.
Public enumerationStiIconSetValueType
Types of value of Icon Sets.
Public enumerationStiImageProcessingDuplicatesType
Public enumerationStiImageRotation
Public enumerationStiInteractionSortDirection
Public enumerationStiKeepDetails
Public enumerationStiMarkersStyle
Enumeration which sets a style of markers of the component in the designer.
Public enumerationStiMaximumType
Types of maximal values in indicator classes.
Public enumerationStiMidType
Types of mid values in indicator classes.
Public enumerationStiMinimumType
Types of minimal values in indicator classes.
Public enumerationStiPageOrientation
Type of page orientation.
Public enumerationStiPageType
Types of a page.
Public enumerationStiPrintOnEvenOddPagesType
Public enumerationStiPrintOnType
Public enumerationStiProcessAt
A modes of the text processing.
Public enumerationStiProcessingDuplicatesType
Public enumerationStiQuickInfoType
Public enumerationStiReportControlToolboxPosition
Enumeration which sets positions of the report controls on the toolbox in the report designer.
Public enumerationStiRestrictions
Public enumerationStiRtfFormatType
Public enumerationStiShiftMode
Public enumerationStiSystemTextType
Public enumerationStiTextFormatState
Public enumerationStiTextQuality
Public enumerationStiToolboxCategory