StiCrossHeaderBand Class |
Namespace: Stimulsoft.Report.Components
The StiCrossHeaderBand type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
StiCrossHeaderBand() |
Creates a new component of the type StiCrossHeaderBand.
| |
StiCrossHeaderBand(RectangleD) |
Creates a component of the type StiCrossHeaderBand with specified location.
Name | Description | |
AfterPrintEvent |
Occurs after the component printing.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Alias |
Gets or sets a text that will be shown instead of a component name.
If the text is not indicated then the name is shown.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
AllowDelete |
Gets a value which indicates whether deleting of the components is allowed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Anchor | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
BandInfoV2 | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
BeforePrintEvent |
Occurs before printing of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Blocked |
Internal use only. Это свойство используется для блокирования измнения свойств бэнда,
измнение которых во время построения бэнда может исказить результат.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Bookmark |
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component bookmark.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
BookmarkValue |
Gets or sets the component bookmark.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Border |
Gets or sets frame of the component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Bottom |
Gets bottom position of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
BreakIfLessThan | (Overrides StiDynamicBand.BreakIfLessThan.) | |
Brush |
Gets or sets a brush to fill a component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CanBreak |
Gets or sets value which indicates whether the component can or cannot break its contents on several pages.
(Overrides StiHeaderBand.CanBreak.) | |
CanGrow |
Gets or sets value indicates that this object can grow.
(Inherited from StiBand.) | |
CanShrink |
Gets or sets value which indicates that this object can shrink.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ClickEvent |
Occurs when user clicks on the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ClientRectangle |
Gets or sets the client area of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
CollapsedValue |
Gets or sets collapsed value of the component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CollapsingIndex | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CollapsingTreePath | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ComponentId | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.ComponentId.) | |
ComponentPlacement |
Gets or sets a value which indicates placement of a simple component.
Available values:
"rt" - StiReportTitleBand
"rs" - StiReportSummaryBand
"ph" - StiPageHeaderBand
"pf" - StiPageFooterBand
"h" - StiHeaderBand
"h.ap" - StiHeaderBand (OnAllPages)
"f" - StiFooterBand
"f.ap" - StiFooterBand (OnAllPages)
"d" - StiDataBand
"gh" - StiGroupHeaderBand
"gf" - StiGroupFooterBand
"e" - StiEmptyBand
"p" - StiPage
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Components |
Gets or sets a collection of components.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ComponentStyle |
Gets or sets a style of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ComponentType |
Gets the type of processing when printing.
(Inherited from StiHeaderBand.) | |
Conditions |
Gets or sets the collection of conditions.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ContainerInfoV1 | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ContainerInfoV2 | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CurrentBookmark |
Gets or sets current bookmark for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
DefaultClientRectangle |
Gets or sets the default client area of a component.
(Overrides StiBand.DefaultClientRectangle.) | |
DelimiterComponent |
Gets or sets a value indicates that this component is used as the delimiter.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
DisplayRectangle |
Gets or sets a rectangle of the component which it fills. Docking occurs in accordance to the area
(Cross - components are docked by ClientRectangle).
(Overrides StiBand.DisplayRectangle.) | |
Dockable |
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the component will be docked or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
DockStyle |
Gets or sets a type of the component docking.
(Overrides StiBand.DockStyle.) | |
DoubleClickEvent |
Occurs when user double clicks on the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
DrillDownParameters | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Enabled |
Gets or sets a value which indicates will this component be available or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Events | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
FooterSize |
Gets the footer height.
(Inherited from StiBand.) | |
ForceRedrawAll |
Gets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to draw again the whole page when moving the component or
changing its sizes in the designer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetBookmarkEvent |
Occurs when getting of the Bookmark for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetDrillDownReportEvent |
Occurs when it is required to get a report for the Drill-Down operation.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetHyperlinkEvent |
Occurs when getting Hyperlink for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetTagEvent |
Occurs when getting a Tag for a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetToolTipEvent |
Occurs when getting the ToolTip for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GrowToHeight | (Overrides StiBand.GrowToHeight.) | |
Guid |
Gets or sets a guid of component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
HasSelected |
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
HeaderBandInfoV1 | (Inherited from StiHeaderBand.) | |
HeaderBandInfoV2 | (Inherited from StiHeaderBand.) | |
HeaderEndColor |
Gets header end color.
(Inherited from StiHeaderBand.) | |
HeaderSize |
Gets the header height.
(Overrides StiBand.HeaderSize.) | |
HeaderStartColor |
Gets header start color.
(Inherited from StiHeaderBand.) | |
Height | (Overrides StiComponent.Height.) | |
HelpUrl | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.HelpUrl.) | |
HighlightState |
Gets or sets a state of highlight.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Hyperlink |
Gets or sets an expression to fill a component hyperlink.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
HyperlinkValue |
Gets or sets hyperlink of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IgnoreNamingRule |
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Inherited | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Interaction |
Gets interaction options of this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvalidateOnMouseOver |
Gets a value which indicates whether invalidating of the component occurs when a mouse pointer is above the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsAutomaticDock |
Gets value indicates that this is an automatic docking.
(Inherited from StiBand.) | |
IsCross |
Gets value, indicates that this cross is the component.
(Overrides StiComponent.IsCross.) | |
IsDesigning |
Gets a value which indicates that the report in which a component is placed is being designed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsEventEmpty |
Gets a value which indicates that all events are empty.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsExporting |
Gets or sets value, which indicates that the report is exporting.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsPrinting |
Gets a value which indicates that the component has already been printed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsRendered |
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the component is rendered or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsSelected |
Gets or sets value indicates is the component selected or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
KeepHeaderTogether |
Gets or sets value indicates that header is printed with data together.
(Inherited from StiHeaderBand.) | |
Left | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
Linked |
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the object snap to the container is turned on.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
LocalizedCategory |
Gets a localized name of the component category.
(Overrides StiBand.LocalizedCategory.) | |
LocalizedName |
Gets a localized component name.
(Overrides StiHeaderBand.LocalizedName.) | |
Locked |
Gets or sets a value which indicates that moving is locked.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
MaxHeight | (Overrides StiBand.MaxHeight.) | |
MaxSize | (Overrides StiBand.MaxSize.) | |
MaxWidth |
Gets or sets maximal width of band.
| |
MinHeight | (Overrides StiBand.MinHeight.) | |
MinSize | (Overrides StiBand.MinSize.) | |
MinWidth |
Gets or sets minimal width of band.
| |
MouseEnterEvent |
Occurs when user enters the mouse into the area of the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
MouseLeaveEvent |
Occurs when user leaves the mouse out of the area of the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Name |
Gets or sets a name of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
NewColumnAfter | (Overrides StiDynamicBand.NewColumnAfter.) | |
NewColumnBefore | (Overrides StiDynamicBand.NewColumnBefore.) | |
NewPageAfter | (Overrides StiDynamicBand.NewPageAfter.) | |
NewPageBefore | (Overrides StiDynamicBand.NewPageBefore.) | |
Page |
Gets or sets the page on which an object is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Parent |
Gets or sets the container in which an object is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ParentBookmark |
Gets or sets parent bookmark for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PlaceOnToolbox |
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to place component in toolbox or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Printable | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
PrintAtBottom | (Overrides StiDynamicBand.PrintAtBottom.) | |
PrintIfEmpty | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.PrintIfEmpty.) | |
PrintOn | (Overrides StiComponent.PrintOn.) | |
PrintOnAllPages | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.PrintOnAllPages.) | |
PrintOnEvenOddPages | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.PrintOnEvenOddPages.) | |
Priority |
Gets a component priority.
(Overrides StiHeaderBand.Priority.) | |
Properties | (Inherited from StiService.) | |
PropName | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
RectangleMoveComponent | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
RenderedCount |
Gets or sets a value which indicates how many times the component is rendered.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Report |
Gets or sets the report in which the component is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ResetPageNumber | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.ResetPageNumber.) | |
Restrictions |
Gets or sets value which indicates the restrictions of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Right |
Gets right position of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
SelectionTick | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
SelectRectangle |
Gets or sets a rectangle of the component selection.
(Overrides StiBand.SelectRectangle.) | |
ServiceCategory |
Gets a category of services.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ServiceEnabled | (Inherited from StiService.) | |
ServiceInfo | (Inherited from StiService.) | |
ServiceName |
Gets a service name.
(Inherited from StiBase.) | |
ServiceType |
Gets a service type.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Shift |
Gets or sets a value which indicates that this component can be shifted.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ShiftMode | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
ShowQuickButtons |
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to show quick buttons.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
SkipFirst | (Overrides StiDynamicBand.SkipFirst.) | |
StartNewPage | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.StartNewPage.) | |
StartNewPageIfLessThan | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.StartNewPageIfLessThan.) | |
States |
Gets the component states manager.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Tag |
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tag.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
TagValue |
Gets or sets tag of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ToolboxCategory | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.ToolboxCategory.) | |
ToolboxPosition |
Gets value to sort a position in the toolbox.
(Overrides StiHeaderBand.ToolboxPosition.) | |
ToolTip |
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tooltip.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ToolTipValue |
Gets or sets a component tips.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Top | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
UseParentStyles |
Gets or sets a value which indicates that this component must use styles from parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Width | (Overrides StiBand.Width.) |
Name | Description | |
AddSize |
Increases the amount of pages on width and on height.
Herewith on width or height of the page change all sizes a parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
AlignTo |
Aligns, in the rectangle of selected objects, all selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
AlignToGrid() |
Aligns to grid all selected components in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
AlignToGrid(StiComponent) | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
AllowPrintOn | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Break |
Divides content of components in two parts. Returns result of dividing. If true, then component is successful divided.
(Inherited from StiDynamicBand.) | |
BringToFront |
Brings to front objects of the list in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CanContainIn |
May this container be located in the specified component.
(Inherited from StiBand.) | |
ChangeFontName | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ChangeFontSize | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ChangePosition |
Changes the position of the selected component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CheckBlockedException | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CheckLargeHeight | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ClearAllStates |
Clear all earlier saved object states.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ClearContents |
Clears a text of all selected components.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Clone() |
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Clone(Boolean) | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Clone(Boolean, Boolean) |
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from StiHeaderBand.) | |
ComponentToPage(Double) |
Converts a value from the parent-container coordinates into coordinates of a page.
The method calls the ContainerToPage method of the parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ComponentToPage(PointD) |
Converts a point from the parent-container coordinates into coordinates of a page.
The method calls the ContainerToPage method of the parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ComponentToPage(RectangleD) |
Converts a rectangle from the parent-container coordinates into coordinates of a page.
The method calls the ContainerToPage method of the parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ContainerToPage(PointD) |
Converts a point of coordinates of the container into coodinates of a page.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ContainerToPage(RectangleD) |
Converts a rectangle from container coordinates into coordinates of a page.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Convert(StiUnit, StiUnit, Boolean) |
Converts a component out of one unit into another.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Convert(StiUnit, StiUnit, Boolean, Boolean) |
Converts a component out of one unit into another.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ConvertSelectedToPage |
Converts coordinates of all objects into coordinates of a page.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ConvertToPage |
Converts objects from all coordinates into coordinates of a page without move them on a page.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Correct() |
Corrects in the container all objects which require motion between containers.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Correct(Boolean) |
Corrects in container all objects which require moving.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Correct2 | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
CreateNew | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.CreateNew().) | |
Deserialize |
Deserilizes object from XmlTextReader.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
DoBookmark |
Invokes the GetBookmark event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
DockToContainer() |
Docks the component and all of its subordinate components.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
DockToContainer(RectangleD) |
Docks a rectangle, relatively to the component, into the rectangle.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetActualSize | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetBorder |
Returns a frame of the object of the type IStiBorder being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetBrush |
Returns a brush of an object of the type StiBrush being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponentInControl(Double, Double, Boolean) |
Returns an object in which zone of controlling coordinates are got.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponentInControl(Double, Double, Boolean, StiGuiMode) |
Returns an object in which zone of controlling coordinates are got.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponentInControl(Double, Double, Boolean, StiGuiMode, Boolean) |
Returns an object in which zone of controlling coordinates are got.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponentInPoint |
Returns an object in which zone of controlling coordinates are got.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponents() |
Returns the list of all components which are located in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponents(StiComponentsCollection) |
Returns the list of all components which are located in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponentsCount | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetComponentsList |
Returns the list of all components which are located in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetConditions |
Returns conditions of an object of the type.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetContainer |
Returns the topmost Container(StiPanel or StiPage) in which the component is located.
Returns null, if nothing is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetContainerInRect |
Returns an container in which client zone coordinates are got.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetContainerInRect2 | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetCrossHorAlignment | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetDataBand |
Returns the DataBand in which the component is located.
Returns null, if nothing is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetDisplayRectangle |
Returns a rectangle of the component showing.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetDockableComponent |
Returns the first docked and selected component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetDockRegion(StiComponent) |
Retuns an empty rectangle to which docking is possible.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetDockRegion(StiComponent, Boolean) |
Retuns an empty rectangle to which docking is possible.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetDockStyle |
Returns the style of docking of the component being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetEvents() |
Returns events collection of this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetEvents(IStiPropertyGrid) | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.GetEvents(IStiPropertyGrid).) | |
GetFirstSelectableCompanent |
Returns the first selected component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetFont |
Returns a font of an object of the type IStiFont being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetGroupHeaderBand |
Returns the GroupHeaderBand in which the component is located.
Returns null, if nothing is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHeaderText |
Returns the band header text.
(Inherited from StiBand.) | |
GetHorAlignment |
Returns a horizontal alignment of the object of the type IStiHorAlignment being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetIncorrect() |
Returns the list of all objects which require motion between containers.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetIncorrect(Boolean) |
Returns the list of all objects which require motion between containers.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetIncorrect2 | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetLevel |
Returns the level of the object nesting.
Level 1 - page, 2 - page and etc.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetLink |
Returns linked of the object being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetLock |
Returns lock of the object being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetMaxSize |
Returns maximum sizes among selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetMeasureGraphics | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetPaintRectangle() |
Makes all necessary coversions for showing an object and returns its coordinates.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetPaintRectangle(Boolean, Boolean) |
Makes all necessary conversions for the object output and returns its coordinates.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetPaintRectangle(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Makes all necessary conversions for the object output and returns its coordinates.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetProperties | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.GetProperties(IStiPropertyGrid, StiLevel).) | |
GetQuickInfo | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
GetRectangle |
The rectangle includes all selected objects in the container.
The rectangle is represented in page coordinates.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetReport | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetSelectedComponents() |
Returns the array of the selected components.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetSelectedComponents(StiComponentsCollection) |
Returns the array of the selected components.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetSelectedComponentsWithChilds |
Returns the array of the selected objects including child of the selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetSelectedRectangle |
Returns the rectangle that includes all selected objects in the container.
The rectangle is represented in page coordinates.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetSelectedRectangleWithChilds |
The rectangle includes all selected objects in the container and
children containers which are located in the selected containers.
The rectangle is represented in page coordinates.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetTextBrush |
Returns a brush of an object of the type IStiTextBrush being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetTextFormat |
Returns a format of an object of the type IStiText being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetTextHorAlignment |
Returns a horizontal alignment of an object of the type IStiTextHorAlignment being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetThumbnail(Int32, Boolean) |
Gets a thumbnail image of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetThumbnail(Int32, Int32) |
Gets a thumbnail image of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetThumbnail(Int32, Int32, Boolean) |
Gets a thumbnail image of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetThumbnailAsBytes |
Gets a thumbnail image in the byte aray of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetVertAlignment |
Returns a vertical alignment of the object of the type IStiVertAlignment being met first.
Scans all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GetWordWrap | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
GrowFont | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
InternalRender() | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InternalRender(StiComponent, StiContainer) |
Renders a component in the specified container without generation of the 'BeforePrintEvent' event and the 'AfterPrintEvent' event and
without checking Conditions. The rendered component will return in 'renderedComponent' argument.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Invert |
Invert selection of component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvertComponentsPosition | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
InvokeAfterPrint |
Raises the AfterPrint event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeBeforePrint |
Raises the BeforePrint event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeClick |
Raises the Click event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeDoubleClick |
Raises the DoubleClick event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeEvents |
Invokes all events for this components.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeGetBookmark |
Raises the GetBookmark event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeGetDrillDownReport |
Raises the GetDrillDownReport event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeGetHyperlink |
Raises the GetHyperlink event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeGetTag |
Raises the GetTag event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeGetToolTip |
Raises the GetToolTip event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeMouseEnter |
Raises the MouseEnter event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokeMouseLeave |
Raises the MouseLeave event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokePainted |
Raises the Painted event for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
InvokePainting |
Raises the Painting event for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsExportAsImage | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
IsPropertiesInitializedProtected | (Inherited from StiService.) | |
IsPropertyPresent | (Inherited from StiService.) | |
LoadFromJsonObject | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.LoadFromJsonObject(JObject).) | |
MakeHorizontalSpacingEqual |
Puts components which are equivalent to their width.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
MakeSameHeight |
Sets the height to all selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
MakeSameSize |
Sets the size to all selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
MakeSameWidth |
Sets the width to all selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
MakeVerticalSpacingEqual |
Puts components which are equal in their height.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MoveBackward |
Moves backward objects of the list in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
MoveComponentsToPage |
Converts coordinates of all objects into coordinates of a page
and moves objects on the page.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
MoveForward |
Moves forward objects of the list in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
NewGuid | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Normalize |
Normalizes all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
OffsetLocation | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
OnAfterPrint |
Raises the AfterPrint event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnBeforePrint |
Raises the BeforePrint event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnClick |
Raises the Click event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnComponentAdded | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
OnComponentRemoved | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
OnDoubleClick |
Raises the DoubleClick event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnGetBookmark |
Raises the GetBookmark event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnGetDrillDownReport |
Raises the GetDrillDownReport event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnGetHyperlink |
Raises the GetHyperlink event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnGetTag |
Raises the GetTag event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnGetToolTip |
Raises the GetToolTip event.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnMouseEnter |
Raises the MouseEnter event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnMouseLeave |
Raises the MouseLeave event for this report.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnPainted |
Raises the Painted event for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnPainting |
Raises the Painting event for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnRemoveComponent | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
OnResizeComponent | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PackService |
Packs a service.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PageToComponent(PointD) |
Converts a point from coordinates of a page into the parent-container coordinates.
The method calls the PageToContainer method of the parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PageToComponent(RectangleD) |
Converts a rectangle from coordinates of a page into the parent-container coordinates.
The method calls the PageToContainer method of the parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PageToContainer(PointD) |
Converts a point of coordinates of a page into coodinates of a container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
PageToContainer(RectangleD) |
Converts a rectangle from coordinates of a page into container coordinates.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Paint |
Paints a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PaintEvents |
Paints events of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PaintHighlight |
Paints the highlight of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PaintMarkers |
Paints a markers specified by a Rectangle structure. This method can be used only in win version.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PaintSelection |
Paints the selection of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
PlacedOnColumnBand |
Specifies whether it is possible to place the component on the ColumnBand.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Prepare |
Prepare content for rendering.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
RemoveAllSelected() |
Removes all selected object from the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
RemoveAllSelected(List<StiComponent>) |
Removes all selected object from the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Render() | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Render(StiContainer) |
Renders a component in the specified container with events generation.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Render(StiComponent, StiContainer) |
Renders a component in the specified container with events generation.
The rendered component will return in 'renderedComponent' argument.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
RenderComponent |
Renders a component in the specified container without generation of the 'BeforePrintEvent' event and the 'AfterPrintEvent' event and
without checking Conditions. The rendered component will return in 'renderedComponent' argument.
This is backward compatibility method. Please use InternalRender method for new developed components.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
RenderContainer |
Rendering a container without invokes events.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Reset |
Reset selection of component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ResetSelection |
Resets selection from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
RestoreState |
Restores the earlier saved object state.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SaveState |
Saves the current state of an object.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SaveToJsonObject | (Overrides StiHeaderBand.SaveToJsonObject(StiJsonSaveMode).) | |
Select |
Select component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
SelectAll |
Select all components in container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SelectComponent |
Selects the specified component in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SelectInRectangle |
Selects all objects in the container which intersect with the specified rectangle.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SelectInRectangleCheckBands | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SendToBack |
Sends to back objects of the list in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
Serialize |
Serializes object into XmlTextWriter.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetBorder |
Sets StiBorder from all selected objects in the container.
Sets Side, DropShadow, Color, Style. All other elements are ignored.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetBrush |
Sets IStiBrush from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetCenterHorizontally |
Centers horizontally all selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetCenterVertically |
Centers vertically all selected objects.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetConditions |
Sets conditions to all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetCrossHorAlign | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetDirectDisplayRectangle | (Inherited from StiBand.) | |
SetDockStyle |
Sets Dock from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetFont(Font) | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetFont(Font, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Sets IStiFont from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetHorAlign |
Sets StiHorAlignment from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetLink |
Sets Link from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetLock |
Sets Lock from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetPaintRectangle |
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
SetParentStylesToChilds() | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetParentStylesToChilds(StiBaseStyle) | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetReportVariables | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
SetTextBrush |
Sets IStiTextBrush from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetTextFormat |
Sets StiFormatService from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetTextHorAlign |
Sets StiTextHorAlignment from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetVertAlign |
Sets StiVertAlignment from all selected objects in the container.
(Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SetWordWrap | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ShrinkFont | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
SortByPriority | (Inherited from StiContainer.) | |
ToString() |
Returns an Name of the component and/or the Alias of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
ToString(Boolean) | (Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
UnPrepare |
Clear component afrer render.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) |
Name | Description | |
AfterPrint |
Occurs after the component printing.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
BeforePrint |
Occurs before printing of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Click |
Occurs when user clicks on the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
DoubleClick |
Occurs when user double clicks on the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetBookmark |
Occurs when getting of the Bookmark for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetDrillDownReport |
Occurs when it is required to get a report for the Drill-Down operation.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetHyperlink |
Occurs when getting Hyperlink for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetTag |
Occurs when getting a Tag for a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
GetToolTip |
Occurs when getting the ToolTip for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
MouseEnter |
Occurs when user enters the mouse into the area of the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
MouseLeave |
Occurs when user leaves the mouse out of the area of the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Painted |
Occurs after the component was painted.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) | |
Painting |
Occurs before the component painting.
(Inherited from StiComponent.) |