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StiDataBandInfoV1 Properties

The StiDataBandInfoV1 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlwaysKeepChildTogether
Public propertyBreakableComps
Public propertyColumnIndex
Public propertyCrossTabExistOnDataBand
Public propertyCurrentDetailComponent
Gets or sets the current child component. If it equal in null then Master component is printed.
Public propertyDataIsPrepared
Public propertyDetailComponents
Gets or sets collection of details.
Public propertyDetailDataComponents
Gets or sets collection of data details.
Public propertyFirstCall
Public propertyFirstGroupOnPass
Public propertyFirstRow
Render first row.
Public propertyFirstRowInPath
Render first row in the current pass.
Public propertyFooterComponents
Gets or sets collection of footers.
Public propertyForceStartNewPage
Force start new page when on page exist footers from previus page.
Public propertyFreeSpace
Gets or sets free space for rendering.
Public propertyGroupFooterComponents
Gets or sets a collection of footer groups.
Public propertyGroupHeaderComponents
Gets or sets a collection of header groups.
Public propertyHeaderComponents
Gets or sets a collection of headers.
Public propertyIsFirstPassOfBreak
Public propertyItemsActive
Save line to collection?
Public propertyLastComponent
Last rendered component.
Public propertyLastPositionRendering
Public propertyLastRenderBreaked
Last rendered component was breaked.
Public propertyLatestDataBandBreaked
Public propertyParentColumnContainer
Public propertyRemmitedCollection
Collection of components, which will be render in next pass.
Public propertyRenderedHeaders
Gets or sets a collection of rendered headers.
Public propertyRenderedItems
Collection rendered lines.
Public propertyResHeightOfContainerBeforeRendering
Public propertyResParentBookmark
Parent bookmark of the current component.
Public propertyRuntimeLine
Public propertySkipStartNewPage
Public propertyStartGroupIndex
Contains the amount of the typed groups. Begin position the group in container.
Public propertyStartLine
From what lines is calculation Line.
Public propertyStartMasterIndex
Public propertySubReportsComponents
Gets or sets a collection of header groups.
See Also