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StiDocument Properties

The StiDocument type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBookmark
Gets or sets the root bookmark of a document.
Public propertyGuid
Public propertyPages
Gets collection of rendered report pages.
Public propertyPreviewSettings
Gets or sets controls which will be shown in the Viewer Window.
Public propertyRenderedWith
Gets or sets a technology a report was rendered with.
Public propertyReport
Gets or sets the report which rendered pages are used for rendering of a document.
Public propertyReportAlias
Gets or sets a report alias.
Public propertyReportAuthor
Gets or sets a report author.
Public propertyReportCreated
Gets or sets the date of the report creation.
Public propertyReportDescription
Gets or sets a report description.
Public propertyReportName
Gets or sets a report name.
Public propertyReportVersion
Gets or sets version a report engine.
Public propertyResources
Gets or sets collection of the report resources.
Public propertyStyles
Gets a collection which consists of report styles.
Public propertyUnit
Public propertyVariables
Gets collection of variables of report.
See Also