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Stimulsoft.Report.SaveLoad Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Report.SaveLoad"]

Public classStiDictionarySLService
Describes an abstract class that allows to save, load and merge dictionaries of data.
Public classStiDocument
Describes the class that is used for for storing a rendered report.
Public classStiDocumentPageSLService
Describes the abstract class that allows to save / load rendered pages.
Public classStiDocumentSLService
Describes the abstract class that allows to save / load documents.
Public classStiEncryptedDocumentSLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load packed documents.
Public classStiEncryptedReportSLService
Describes the class that allows to save/load encrypted reports.
Public classStiJsonDocumentSLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load packed documents.
Public classStiJsonPageSLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load pages.
Public classStiJsonReportSLService
Describes the class that allows to save/load reports.
Public classStiPackedDocumentSLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load packed documents.
Public classStiPackedReportSLService
Describes the class that allows to save/load packed reports.
Public classStiPageSLService
Describes the abstract class that allows to save / load pages.
Public classStiReportSLService
Describes the abstract class that allows to save / load reports.
Public classStiSLService
Describes base class for saving / loading / merging of the providers data.
Public classStiXmlDictionarySLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load dictionaries of data.
Public classStiXmlDocumentPageSLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load rendered pages.
Public classStiXmlDocumentSLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load documents.
Public classStiXmlPageSLService
Describes the class that allows to save / load pages.
Public classStiXmlReportSLService
Describes the class that allows to save/load reports.
Public enumerationStiSLActions
Actions available for providers of saving, loading and merging.