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StiInformixSource Methods

The StiInformixSource type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddParameter (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodCheckColumnsIndexs
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodClearAllStates
Clear all earlier saved object states.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodConnect (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodConnect(Boolean) (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodConnect(StiDataCollection) (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodConnect(StiDataCollection, Boolean)
Connect Data Source to data. It is necessary to call the parent of the method(base.Connect).
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodConvertDbTypeToType
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Protected methodConvertDbTypeToTypeInternal (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodCreateConnector
Returns new data connector for this datasource.
(Overrides StiSqlSourceCreateConnector(String).)
Public methodCreateNew (Overrides StiSqlSourceCreateNew.)
Public methodDisconnect (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFetchChildRelations
Returns an enumeration of the child data relations for this data source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodFetchColumns
Returns an enumeration of the data columns from this dictionary.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodFetchColumnValues
Returns an array of values for the specified column in the specified position.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodFetchParentRelations
Returns an enumeration of the parent data relations for this data source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodFillColumns (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFirst
Sets a position at the beginning.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetCategoryName (Inherited from StiDataTableSource.)
Public methodGetChildDataSource
Returns the child Data Source by the relation name.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetChildRelations
Returns a collection of Child relations.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetColumnIndex
Returns the index of a column in the data source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetConnection
Returns a connection to data for this data source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetData(String)
Returns the value by the column name and the current position in the Data Source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetData(String, Int32)
Returns the value by the column name and index of row in the Data Source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetDataAdapter (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Protected methodGetDataAdapterType (Overrides StiSqlSourceGetDataAdapterType.)
Public methodGetDataTable (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetDataTable(Boolean)
Returns a DataTable with data from this datasource.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetDataTable(DataTable) (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetDictionary
Returns reference to the dictionary which contains this datasource.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetEvents (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetFinalSqlCommand (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLevel
Returns level of data in hierarchical band.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetName (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetNameInSource (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetParameterTypesEnum (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodGetParentData
Returns the parent row with data for the indicated relation.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetParentDataSource
Returns the parent Data Source by the relation name.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetParentRelations
Returns the colection of Parent relations.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodGetProperties (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodGetSqlFilterQuery (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInvokeConnecting (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Protected methodInvokeDisconnecting (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodLast
Sets a position on the last element.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodLoadFromJsonObject (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodNext
Sets a position on the next element.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodPrior
Sets a position on the previous element.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodResetData (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodResetDetailsRows (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodRestoreState
Restores the earlier saved object state.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodRetrieveData (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodSaveState
Saves the current state of an object.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodSaveToJsonObject (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Public methodSetData (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodSetDetails
Set the details data for Data Source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodSetFilter
Apply filter to data.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodSetSort
Sorts data. If data source is not able to sort data then this command is ignored.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodSynchronizeColumns
Synchronize list of columns with columns in datastore.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodToString
Returns the text view of the Data Source.
(Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodToString(Boolean) (Inherited from StiDataSource.)
Public methodUpdateParameters (Inherited from StiSqlSource.)
Extension Methods
See Also