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Stimulsoft.Report.Dictionary Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Report.Dictionary"]

Public classStiAggregateFunctionService
Describes the base class for work with aggregate function.
Public classStiAliasAttribute
Describes attribute that is used to sets alias for business properties.
Public classStiAvgDateFunctionService
Describes the class for work with AvgDate aggregate function. To calculate the type DateTime is used.
Public classStiAvgDecimalFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Avg aggregate function. To calculate the type Decimal is used.
Public classStiAvgDoubleFunctionService
Describes the class for work with AvgD aggregate function. To calculate the type Double is used.
Public classStiAvgIntFunctionService
Describes the class for work with AvgI aggregate function. To calculate the type Int64 is used.
Public classStiAvgTimeFunctionService
Describes the class for work with AvgTime aggregate function. To calculate the type TimeSpan is used.
Public classStiAzureTableStorageAdapterService
Public classStiAzureTableStorageDatabase
Public classStiAzureTableStorageSource
Public classStiBoolDialogInfoItem
Public classStiBusinessObject
Class which contains schema information about business object which registered in report dictionary.
Public classStiBusinessObjectAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to Business Objects.
Public classStiBusinessObjectCategory
Class which describe category of business object. Class used only in design-time.
Public classStiBusinessObjectData
Class which contains information about business object which registered in report.
Public classStiBusinessObjectHelper
Class which helps work with business objects.
Public classStiBusinessObjectsCollection
Collection of business objects.
Public classStiBusinessObjectSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to Business Objects.
Public classStiBusinessObjectToDataSet
Public classStiByteArrayRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiCalcDataColumn
Describes a calculated column with expression.
Public classStiCharDialogInfoItem
Public classStiCharRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiCountDistinctFunctionService
Describes the class for work with CountDistinct aggregate function. To calculate the type Int64 is used.
Public classStiCountFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Count aggregate function. To calculate the type Int64 is used.
Public classStiCreateNewConnectionResult
Public classStiCrossTabAdapterService
Public classStiCrossTabDataSource
Public classStiCsvAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to Csv files.
Public classStiCsvDatabase
Public classStiCsvSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to Csv files.
Public classStiData
Class describes the data, which is store in DataStore.
Public classStiDataAdapterService
Describes the base class that is used for relations with Data Sources of a report in the DataStore.
Public classStiDatabase
Public classStiDatabaseCollection
Collection of Databases.
Public classStiDatabaseInformation
Public classStiDataBuilder
Used to build trees by the data source.
Public classStiDataCollection
Describes a collection of data.
Public classStiDataColumn
Describes a column with data.
Public classStiDataColumnExt
Public classStiDataColumnsCollection
Describes the column collection.
Public classStiDataLeader
Public classStiDataParameter
Describes a base Parameter class.
Public classStiDataParametersCollection
Describes the column collection.
Public classStiDataRelation
Describes the class that realizes relations between Data Sources.
Public classStiDataRelationsCollection
Describes collection of relations.
Public classStiDataRelationSetName
Describes the class that is used to set names of the relation when this relation is created.
Public classStiDataRetrieval
The service allows to find all data sources, columns, relations, which are used in the report.
Public classStiDataRow
The class wrapper for DataRow.
Public classStiDataSource
The base class that realizes the Data Source.
Public classStiDataSourceExt
Public classStiDataSourceHelper
Public classStiDataSourcesCollection
Collection of Data Sources.
Public classStiDataStoreAdapterService
Describes the base adapter of data for access to data in the store.
Public classStiDataStoreSource
Describes the base class for access to data in DataStore.
Public classStiDataTableAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to DataTable.
Public classStiDataTableSetNameService
Describes the service, which is used for setting the names of the data source under its creation.
Public classStiDataTableSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to DataTable.
Public classStiDataTransformation
Describes the object which helps in data transformation.
Public classStiDataTransformationAdapterService
Describes the adapter of the data transformation.
Public classStiDataTransformationColumn
Describes a data transformation column.
Public classStiDataTransformationMeter
Public classStiDataViewAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to DataView.
Public classStiDataViewSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to DataView.
Public classStiDateTimeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiDateTimeRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiDB2AdapterService
Public classStiDB2Database
Public classStiDB2Source
Public classStiDBaseAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to dBase files.
Public classStiDBaseDatabase
Public classStiDBaseSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to dBase files.
Public classStiDecimalDialogInfoItem
Public classStiDecimalRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiDialogInfo
Public classStiDialogInfoItem
Public classStiDictionary
Class describes the dictionary data.
Public classStiDimensionTransformationMeter
Public classStiDotConnectUniversalAdapterService
Public classStiDotConnectUniversalDatabase
Public classStiDotConnectUniversalSource
Public classStiDoubleDialogInfoItem
Public classStiDoubleRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiEnumerableAdapterService
Describes the adapter which allows to work with data realizing interface IEnumerable. This type of data adapter is obsolete.
Public classStiEnumerableSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to IEnumerable. This type of data source is obsolete.
Public classStiExcelDatabase
Public classStiExpressionDialogInfoItem
Public classStiExpressionRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiFileAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to Csv files.
Public classStiFileDatabase
Public classStiFileDataSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to Csv files.
Public classStiFirebirdAdapterService
Public classStiFirebirdDatabase
Public classStiFirebirdSource
Public classStiFirstFunctionService
Describes the class for work with First aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiFunction
Public classStiFunctions
Public classStiFunctionsDate
Public classStiFunctionsMath
Public classStiFunctionsPrintState
Public classStiFunctionsProgrammingShortcut
Public classStiFunctionsStrings
Public classStiFunctionsXmlParser
Public classStiGuidDialogInfoItem
Public classStiGuidRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiImageDialogInfoItem
Public classStiInformixAdapterService
Public classStiInformixDatabase
Public classStiInformixSource
Public classStiJsonDatabase
Public classStiLastFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Last aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiLongDialogInfoItem
Public classStiLongRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiMaxDateFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MaxDate aggregate function. To calculate the type DateTime is used.
Public classStiMaxDecimalFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Max aggregate function. To calculate the type Decimal is used.
Public classStiMaxDoubleFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MaxD aggregate function. To calculate the type Double is used.
Public classStiMaxIntFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MaxI aggregate function. To calculate the type Int64 is used.
Public classStiMaxStrFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MaxStr aggregate function. To calculate the type string is used.
Public classStiMaxTimeFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MaxTime aggregate function. To calculate the type TimeSpan is used.
Public classStiMeasureTransformationMeter
Public classStiMedianDecimalFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Median aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiMedianDoubleFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Median aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiMedianIntFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Median aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiMetaTagCollection
Describes collection of meta tags.
Public classStiMinDateFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MinDate aggregate function. To calculate the type DateTime is used.
Public classStiMinDecimalFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Min aggregate function. To calculate the type Decimal is used.
Public classStiMinDoubleFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MinD aggregate function. To calculate the type Double is used.
Public classStiMinIntFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MinI aggregate function. To calculate the type Int64 is used.
Public classStiMinStrFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MinStr aggregate function. To calculate the type string is used.
Public classStiMinTimeFunctionService
Describes the class for work with MinTime aggregate function. To calculate the type TimeSpan is used.
Public classStiModeDecimalFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Median aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiModeDoubleFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Median aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiModeIntFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Median aggregate function. To calculate the type Object is used.
Public classStiMongoDbAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to SqlConnection.
Public classStiMongoDbDatabase
Public classStiMongoDbSource
Public classStiMSAccessAdapterService
Public classStiMSAccessDatabase
Public classStiMSAccessSource
Public classStiMySqlAdapterService
Public classStiMySqlDatabase
Public classStiMySqlSource
Public classStiNoSqlAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to SqlConnection.
Public classStiNoSqlDatabase
Public classStiNoSqlSource
Public classStiODataAdapterService
Public classStiODataDatabase
Public classStiODataSource
Public classStiOdbcAdapterService
Public classStiOdbcDatabase
Public classStiOdbcSource
Public classStiOleDbAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to OleDbConnection.
Public classStiOleDbDatabase
Public classStiOleDbSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to OleDb.
Public classStiOracleAdapterService
Public classStiOracleDatabase
Public classStiOracleODPSource
Public classStiOracleSource
Public classStiPostgreSQLAdapterService
Public classStiPostgreSQLDatabase
Public classStiPostgreSQLSource
Public classStiRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiRankFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Rank aggregate function. To calculate the type Int is used.
Public classStiReportResourceCollection
Describes collection of report resource.
Public classStiResource
This class describes resource which embedded to the report file.
Public classStiResourcesCollection
Describes the collection of the resources which embedded to the report file.
Public classStiRestrictions
Public classStiRow
Public classStiRowsCollection
Public classStiSqlAdapterService
Describes the adapter for access to SqlConnection.
Public classStiSqlCeAdapterService
Public classStiSqlCeDatabase
Public classStiSqlCeSource
Public classStiSqlDatabase
Public classStiSQLiteAdapterService
Public classStiSQLiteDatabase
Public classStiSQLiteSource
Public classStiSqlSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to Sql.
Public classStiStrFix
Public classStiStringDialogInfoItem
Public classStiStringRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiSumDecimalFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Sum aggregate function. To calculate the type Decimal is used.
Public classStiSumDecimalNullableFunctionService
Describes the class for work with Sum aggregate function. To calculate the type Decimal is used.
Public classStiSumDistinctDecimalFunctionService
Describes the class for work with SumDistinct aggregate function. To calculate the type Decimal is used.
Public classStiSumDoubleFunctionService
Describes the class for work with SumD aggregate function. To calculate the type Double is used.
Public classStiSumIntFunctionService
Describes the class for work with SumI aggregate function. To calculate the type Int64 is used.
Public classStiSumTimeFunctionService
Describes the class for work with SumTime aggregate function. To calculate the type TimeSpan is used.
Public classStiSybaseAdapterService
Public classStiSybaseDatabase
Public classStiSybaseSource
Public classStiSystemVariablesHelper
Public classStiTeradataAdapterService
Public classStiTeradataDatabase
Public classStiTeradataSource
Public classStiTimeSpanDialogInfoItem
Public classStiTimeSpanRangeDialogInfoItem
Public classStiType
Class describes wrapper for type registered in dictionary data.
Public classStiTypesCollection
Collection of the registered types.
Public classStiTypeService
Describes the base service for registration of the types.
Public classStiUndefinedDatabase
Public classStiUndefinedDataSource
Public classStiUserAdapterService
Describes the adapter of data that provides access to data which are specified by the user.
Public classStiUserData
Class describes data definied by user.
Public classStiUserGetDataEventArgs
Class describes the arguments for event StiUserGetDataEvent.
Public classStiUserNameAndPassword
Public classStiUserSource
Describes the Data Source realizing access to UserSource.
Public classStiVariable
Class describes variable.
Public classStiVariableAsParameterHelper
Public classStiVariablesCollection
Describes the collection of variables.
Public classStiVirtualAdapterService
Describes the adapter of data that provides access to data which based on other datasouce.
Public classStiVirtualSource
Describes the datasource which based on other datasource.
Public classStiVistaDBAdapterService
Public classStiVistaDBDatabase
Public classStiVistaDBSource
Public classStiXmlDatabase
Public classTreeNodeEx
Public interfaceIStiDataEditors
Public interfaceIStiEnumerator
Describes inteface that is used for moving in the data list.
Public interfaceIStiQueryBuilderActivator
Public delegateStiUserGetDataEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the UserGetData event.