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StiBooleanFormatService Properties

The StiBooleanFormatService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFalseDisplay
Gets or sets the string value to show the value false.
Public propertyFalseValue
Gets or sets the string value for identification the value false.
Public propertyIdent (Inherited from StiFormatService.)
Public propertyIsDefault (Inherited from StiFormatService.)
Public propertyIsFormatStringFromVariable
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiFormatService.)
Public propertyNativeFormatString
Returns native format string.
(Inherited from StiFormatService.)
Public propertyNullDisplay
Gets or sets the string value to show the value null.
Public propertyPosition (Overrides StiFormatServicePosition.)
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertySample
Gets value to show a sample of formatting.
(Overrides StiFormatServiceSample.)
Public propertyServiceCategory
Gets a service category.
(Inherited from StiFormatService.)
Public propertyServiceEnabled (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceInfo (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceName
Gets a service name.
(Overrides StiServiceServiceName.)
Public propertyServiceType
Gets a service type.
(Inherited from StiFormatService.)
Public propertyStringFormat
Gets or sets string of formatting.
(Inherited from StiFormatService.)
Public propertyTrueDisplay
Gets or sets the string value to show the value true.
Public propertyTrueValue
Gets or sets string value for identification the value true.
See Also