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Stimulsoft.Report.Components.TextFormats Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Report.Components.TextFormats"]

Public classStiBooleanFormatService
Describes a service for formatting of the text, like boolean values.
Public classStiCurrencyFormatService
Describes a service for the text formatting as currency values.
Public classStiCustomFormatService
Describes a service for the text formatting done as customized.
Public classStiDateFormatService
Describes a service for the text formatting as a date value.
Public classStiFormatEditorAttribute
Class describes the attribute that associates with the component of the component designer.
Public classStiFormatService
Describes a base service for formatting of the text.
Public classStiFormatServiceLoader
Public classStiGeneralFormatService
Describes a service for the text formatting by default.
Public classStiNegativeColorChecker
Public classStiNumberFormatService
Describes a service for the text formatting as number values.
Public classStiPercentageFormatService
Describes a service for the text formatting as percentage values.
Public classStiTimeFormatService
Describes a service for the text formatting as a time value.
Public classStiWpfFormatEditorAttribute
Class describes the attribute that associates with the component of the component designer.