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FuncUaCurrToStr Method (Decimal, Boolean, String, Boolean)

Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.

Namespace:  Stimulsoft.Report
Assembly:  Stimulsoft.Report (in Stimulsoft.Report.dll) Version: 2019.3.1.0
public static string CurrToStr(
	decimal value,
	bool uppercase,
	string currency,
	bool cents


Type: SystemDecimal
A value containing a currency to convert.
Type: SystemBoolean
If this parameter is true then the first symbol of the resulting string will be in the uppercase.
Type: SystemString
The name of the currency(RUR, EUR, USD, UAH).
Type: SystemBoolean
If this parameter is true then cents of the value will be added to the resulting string.

Return Value

Type: String
Returns the string representation of the decimal value with or without cents with the first symbol in the uppercase or not and the currency name.
See Also