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UaCurrToStr Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Decimal)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Double)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Decimal, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Decimal, String)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Double, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Double, String)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Int64, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Decimal, Boolean, String)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Decimal, String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Double, Boolean, String)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Double, String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Int64, String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Decimal, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCurrToStr(Double, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to its equivalent string representation.
See Also