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StiDictionary Methods

The StiDictionary type exposes the following members.

Public methodClear
Clears data dictionary.
Public methodClearAllStates
Clears all earlier saved object states.
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
Public methodConnect
Connects all Data Sources to data.
Public methodConnectAsync
Connects all Data Sources to data.
Public methodConnectCrossTabDataSources
Public methodConnectCrossTabDataSources(StiCrossTabDataSource)
Intenal use only.
Public methodConnectDataTransformations
Intenal use only.
Public methodConnectToDatabases
Public methodConnectVirtualDataSources
Intenal use only.
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects the Data Source from data.
Public methodStatic memberDoAutoSynchronize
Synchronizes DataStore and Dictionary. Report for Synchronization of the data.
Public methodStatic memberDoAutoSynchronizeAsync
Synchronizes DataStore and Dictionary. Report for Synchronization of the data.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExportXMLSchema
Exports Data Sources to DataSet.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetConnection
Returns IDbConnection for database with specified name.
Public methodGetDataSet
Returns a new DataSet from the dictionary.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetSystemVariableValue
Returns value of a specified system variable.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUnusedRelationsFromDataStore
Returns Collection of unused relations.
Public methodGetUnusedRelationsFromDataStore(Hashtable)
Returns Collection of unused relations.
Public methodGetUnusedRelationsFromDataStore(String)
Returns Collection of unused relations.
Public methodGetUnusedRelationsFromDataStore(String, Hashtable)
Returns Collection of unused relations.
Public methodImportXMLSchema
Imports Data Sources from DataSet.
Public methodIsSystemVariable
Returns true if a specified name is a name of a system variable.
Public methodLoad(Stream)
Loads the dictionary from the stream in XML format.
Public methodLoad(String)
Loads dictionary from the file in XML format.
Public methodLoad(StiDictionarySLService, Stream)
Loads dictionary from the stream through descendants of StiDictionarySLService service.
Public methodLoad(StiDictionarySLService, String)
Loads the dictionary from file through descendants of StiDictionarySLService service.
Public methodLoadFromJsonObject
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMerge(Stream)
Merges the dictionary with the stream in XML format.
Public methodMerge(String)
Merges the dictionary with the file in XML format.
Public methodMerge(StiDictionary)
Merges two dictionaries.
Public methodMerge(StiDictionarySLService, Stream)
Merges the dictionary with the stream through provider.
Public methodMerge(StiDictionarySLService, String)
Merges the dictionary with the file through provider.
Public methodMergeXMLSchema
Imports Data Sources from DataSet and merges them with this dictionary.
Public methodRegRelation
Register new relation of the dictionary DataSet.
Public methodRegRelations
Register new relations of the dictionary DataSet.
Public methodRemoveUnusedData
Removes from dictionary unused data sources, relations, and rows and etc.
Public methodRemoveUnusedDataSourcesV2
Removes from dictionary unused data sources V2
Public methodRenameDatabase
Public methodRestoreState
Restores the earlier saved object state.
Public methodRetrievalData
Returns Hashtables with the used relations, data sources and columns.
Public methodSave(Stream)
Saves dictionary to the stream in XML format.
Public methodSave(String)
Saves the dictionary in file in XML format.
Public methodSave(StiDictionarySLService, Stream)
Saves dictionary to the stream through provider.
Public methodSave(StiDictionarySLService, String)
Saves the dictionary in file through service.
Public methodSaveState
Saves the current state of an object.
Public methodSaveToJsonObject
Public methodSortItems
Sorts the DataSources collection and columns in each DataSource.
Public methodSortItems(StiSortOrder)
Sorts the DataSources collection and columns in each DataSource.
Public methodSynchronize
Synchronizes the content of the DataStore and Dictionary. If DataSources or Columns or Relations from the DataStore does not exists in Dictionary, then new elements will be added to the Dictionary.
Public methodSynchronizeAsync
Synchronizes the content of the DataStore and Dictionary. If DataSources or Columns or Relations from the DataStore does not exists in Dictionary, then new elements will be added to the Dictionary.
Public methodSynchronizeBusinessObjects
Public methodSynchronizeBusinessObjects(Int32)
Synchronizes the business objects with report dictionary.
Public methodSynchronizeColumns(Object, StiBusinessObject)
Public methodSynchronizeColumns(StiBusinessObjectData, StiBusinessObject)
Public methodSynchronizeColumns(StiData, StiDataSource)
Public methodSynchronizeRelations
Public methodSynchronizeRelations(String)
Public methodSynchronizeRelationsAsync
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also