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Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Chart Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Chart"]

Public classStiArgumentChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about Arguments of the chart element.
Public classStiChartArea
Public classStiChartAxis
Public classStiChartAxisLabels
Public classStiChartAxisTitle
Public classStiChartElement
Chart component of the dashboards.
Public classStiChartGridLines
Public classStiChartInterlacing
Public classStiChartLabels
Public classStiChartLegend
Public classStiChartLegendLabels
Public classStiChartLegendTitle
Public classStiCloseValueChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about Close-Values of the chart element.
Public classStiEndValueChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about End-Values of the chart element.
Public classStiHighValueChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about High-Values of the chart element.
Public classStiHorChartGridLines
Public classStiHorChartInterlacing
Public classStiLowValueChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about Low-Values of the chart element.
Public classStiOpenValueChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about Open-Values of the chart element.
Public classStiSeriesChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about Series of the chart element.
Public classStiValueChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about Values of the chart element.
Public classStiVertChartGridLines
Public classStiVertChartInterlacing
Public classStiWeightChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about Weights of the chart element.
Public classStiXChartAxis
Public classStiXChartAxisTitle
Public classStiXChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about XCharts of the chart element.
Public classStiYChartAxis
Public classStiYChartAxisTitle
Public classStiYChartMeter
Describes a meter class which contains information about YCharts of the chart element.