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StiCrossHeaderInteraction Properties

The StiCrossHeaderInteraction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBookmark
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component bookmark.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyCollapsingEnabled
Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is allowed or not data collapsing in the report viewer.
Public propertyDrillDownEnabled
Gets or sets value which indicates whether the Drill-Down operation can be executed.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownMode
Gets or sets a value which indicates opening of sub-reports in the one tab.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownPage
Gets or sets a page for the Drill-Down operation.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownPageGuid (Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownParameter1
Gets or sets first Drill-Down parameter.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownParameter2
Gets or sets second Drill-Down parameter.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownParameter3
Gets or sets third Drill-Down parameter.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownParameter4
Gets or sets fourth Drill-Down parameter.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownParameter5
Gets or sets fifth Drill-Down parameter.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyDrillDownReport
Gets or sets a path to a report for the Drill-Down operation.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyHyperlink
Gets or sets an expression to fill a component hyperlink.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyIsDefault (Overrides StiInteractionIsDefault.)
Public propertyParentComponent (Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertySortingColumn
Gets or sets a column by what data should be re-sorted in the report viewer.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertySortingDirection (Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertySortingEnabled
Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is allowed or not, using given component, data re-sorting in the report viewer.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertySortingIndex (Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tag.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tooltip.
(Inherited from StiInteraction.)
See Also