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StiInteraction Properties

The StiInteraction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBookmark
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component bookmark.
Public propertyDrillDownEnabled
Gets or sets value which indicates whether the Drill-Down operation can be executed.
Public propertyDrillDownMode
Gets or sets a value which indicates opening of sub-reports in the one tab.
Public propertyDrillDownPage
Gets or sets a page for the Drill-Down operation.
Public propertyDrillDownPageGuid
Public propertyDrillDownParameter1
Gets or sets first Drill-Down parameter.
Public propertyDrillDownParameter2
Gets or sets second Drill-Down parameter.
Public propertyDrillDownParameter3
Gets or sets third Drill-Down parameter.
Public propertyDrillDownParameter4
Gets or sets fourth Drill-Down parameter.
Public propertyDrillDownParameter5
Gets or sets fifth Drill-Down parameter.
Public propertyDrillDownReport
Gets or sets a path to a report for the Drill-Down operation.
Public propertyHyperlink
Gets or sets an expression to fill a component hyperlink.
Public propertyIsDefault
Public propertyParentComponent
Public propertySortingColumn
Gets or sets a column by what data should be re-sorted in the report viewer.
Public propertySortingDirection
Public propertySortingEnabled
Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is allowed or not, using given component, data re-sorting in the report viewer.
Public propertySortingIndex
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tag.
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tooltip.
See Also