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StiBusinessObject Properties

The StiBusinessObject type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlias
Gets or sets an alias of the business object.
Public propertyBusinessObjects
Gets or sets collection of the business objects.
Public propertyBusinessObjectValue
Gets or sets business object.
Public propertyCategory
Gets or sets a category name of the business object.
Public propertyColumns
Gets or sets a column collection of the business object.
Public propertyComponentId
Public propertyCount
Gets count of elements.
Public propertyCurrent
Public propertyDictionary
Gets or sets the dictionary in which this Business Object is located.
Public propertyStatic memberFieldsIgnoreList
Дополнительный список имён полей для метода StiBusinessObjectHelper.GetValueFromClass(). Если поле в этом списке - то при получении значения этого поля null передаётся как есть. Для остальных полей вместо null передаётся тип этого поля, это надо для работы с анонимными типами.
Public propertyGuid
Gets or sets guid of business object.
Public propertyInherited
Public propertyIsBof
Gets value indicates that this position specifies to the beginning of data.
Public propertyIsEmpty
Gets value indicates that no data.
Public propertyIsEof
Gets value indicates that this position specifies to the data end.
Public propertyItem
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the key of the dictionary object.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets a name of the business object.
Public propertyOwnerBand
Public propertyParentBusinessObject
Public propertyPosition
Gets the current position.
Public propertyPropName
Protected propertyStates
Gets the component states manager.
See Also