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StiDataRelation Properties

The StiDataRelation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActive
Gets or sets value which indicates that this data relation is active.
Public propertyAlias
Gets or sets alias of relation.
Public propertyChildColumns
Gets or sets collection of child column names.
Public propertyChildSource
Gets or sets Child data source.
Public propertyComponentId
Public propertyDictionary
Gets or sets the dictionary of data in which the relation is kept.
Public propertyInherited
Public propertyIsCloud
Gets or sets value which indicates that this data relation is created dynamically by the Stimulsoft Reports.Server.
Public propertyKey
Gets or sets the key of the dictionary object.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets relation name.
Public propertyNameInSource
Gets or sets name of relation in source of data.
Public propertyParentColumns
Gets or sets collection of parent column names.
Public propertyParentSource
Gets or sets Parent data source.
Public propertyPropName
See Also