Click or drag to resize

StiForm Properties

The StiForm type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAfterPrintEvent (Overrides StiComponentAfterPrintEvent.)
Public propertyAlias
Gets or sets a text that will be shown instead of a component name. If the text is not indicated then the name is shown.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyAllowDelete
Gets a value which indicates whether deleting of the components is allowed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyAnchor (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets the background color for the control.
Public propertyBeforePrintEvent (Overrides StiComponentBeforePrintEvent.)
Public propertyBeginRenderEvent (Overrides StiPageBeginRenderEvent.)
Protected propertyBlocked
Internal use only. Это свойство используется для блокирования измнения свойств бэнда, измнение которых во время построения бэнда может исказить результат.
(Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyBookmark (Overrides StiComponentBookmark.)
Public propertyBookmarkValue
Gets or sets the component bookmark.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyBorder (Overrides StiContainerBorder.)
Public propertyBottom
Gets bottom margin.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyBrush (Overrides StiContainerBrush.)
Public propertyCacheGuid
Gets or sets a cache guid of page.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyCanBreak (Overrides StiPageCanBreak.)
Public propertyCanGrow (Overrides StiPageCanGrow.)
Public propertyCanShrink (Overrides StiPageCanShrink.)
Public propertyClickEvent
Gets or sets a script of the event Click.
(Overrides StiComponentClickEvent.)
Public propertyClientRectangle
Gets or sets the client area of a component.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyClosedFormEvent
Gets or sets a script of the event ClosedForm.
Public propertyClosingFormEvent
Gets or sets a script of the event ClosingForm.
Public propertyCollapsedValue
Gets or sets collapsed value of the component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyCollapsingIndex (Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyCollapsingTreePath (Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyColumnBeginRenderEvent (Overrides StiPageColumnBeginRenderEvent.)
Public propertyColumnEndRenderEvent (Overrides StiPageColumnEndRenderEvent.)
Public propertyColumnGaps (Overrides StiPanelColumnGaps.)
Public propertyColumns (Overrides StiPanelColumns.)
Public propertyColumnWidth (Overrides StiPanelColumnWidth.)
Public propertyComponentId (Overrides StiPageComponentId.)
Public propertyComponentPlacement
Gets or sets a value which indicates placement of a simple component. Available values: "rt" - StiReportTitleBand "rs" - StiReportSummaryBand "ph" - StiPageHeaderBand "pf" - StiPageFooterBand "h" - StiHeaderBand "h.ap" - StiHeaderBand (OnAllPages) "f" - StiFooterBand "f.ap" - StiFooterBand (OnAllPages) "d" - StiDataBand "gh" - StiGroupHeaderBand "gf" - StiGroupFooterBand "e" - StiEmptyBand "p" - StiPage
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyComponents
Gets or sets a collection of components.
(Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyComponentStyle (Overrides StiComponentComponentStyle.)
Public propertyComponentType
Gets the type of processing when printing.
(Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyConditions (Overrides StiComponentConditions.)
Public propertyContainerInfoV1 (Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyContainerInfoV2 (Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyControl
Gets ot sets Windows Forms Control for this Report Control.
Public propertyControlWpf
Gets ot sets WPF control for this Report Control.
Public propertyCurrentBookmark
Gets or sets current bookmark for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyCurrentHeightSegment
Gets or sets the current height of a page segment.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyCurrentWidthSegment
Gets or sets the current width of a page segment.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyDefaultClientRectangle
Gets or sets the default client area of a component.
(Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyDelimiterComponent
Gets or sets a value indicates that this component is used as the delimiter.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDenyDrawSegmentMode
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyDialogResult
Gets or sets the dialog result for the form.
Public propertyDisplayRectangle
Gets or sets a rectangle of the component which it fills. Docking occurs in accordance to the area (Cross - components are docked by ClientRectangle).
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyDockable
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the component will be docked or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDockStyle
Gets or sets a type of the component docking.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyDoubleClickEvent
Occurs when user double clicks on the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDrillDownActivated (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyDrillDownParameters (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyEnabled (Overrides StiComponentEnabled.)
Public propertyEndRenderEvent (Overrides StiPageEndRenderEvent.)
Protected propertyEvents (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyExcelSheet (Overrides StiPageExcelSheet.)
Public propertyExcelSheetValue
Gets or sets name of excel sheet.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyFont
Gets or sets font of control.
Public propertyForceRedrawAll
Gets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to draw again the whole page when moving the component or changing its sizes in the designer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyGetBookmarkEvent (Overrides StiComponentGetBookmarkEvent.)
Public propertyGetDrillDownReportEvent (Overrides StiComponentGetDrillDownReportEvent.)
Public propertyGetExcelSheetEvent (Overrides StiPageGetExcelSheetEvent.)
Public propertyGetHyperlinkEvent (Overrides StiComponentGetHyperlinkEvent.)
Public propertyGetTagEvent (Overrides StiComponentGetTagEvent.)
Public propertyGetToolTipEvent (Overrides StiComponentGetToolTipEvent.)
Public propertyGridSize (Overrides StiPageGridSize.)
Public propertyGrowToHeight (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyGuid
Gets or sets a guid of component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyHasSelected
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyHeight
Public propertyHelpUrl (Inherited from StiPanel.)
Public propertyHighlightState
Gets or sets a state of highlight.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyHyperlink (Overrides StiComponentHyperlink.)
Public propertyHyperlinkValue
Gets or sets hyperlink of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIgnoreNamingRule
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyInherited (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyInteraction (Overrides StiComponentInteraction.)
Public propertyInvalidateOnMouseOver
Gets a value which indicates whether invalidating of the component occurs when a mouse pointer is above the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsAutomaticDock
Gets value indicates that this is an automatic docking.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyIsCross
Gets a value indicating that this is the Cross component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsDashboard (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyIsDbsThumbnailMode
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyIsDesigning
Gets a value which indicates that the report in which a component is placed is being designed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsEnabled (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsEventEmpty
Gets a value which indicates that all events are empty.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsExporting
Gets or sets value, which indicates that the report is exporting.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsForm (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyIsPage (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyIsPrinted (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyIsPrinting
Gets a value which indicates that the component has already been printed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsRendered
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the component is rendered or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsSelected
Gets or sets value indicates is the component selected or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyLargeHeight (Overrides StiPageLargeHeight.)
Public propertyLargeHeightAutoFactor
Gets or sets large height factor for LargeHeightAuto mode of this page.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyLargeHeightFactor (Overrides StiPageLargeHeightFactor.)
Public propertyLeft
Public propertyLinked (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyLoadFormEvent
Gets or sets a script of the event LoadForm.
Public propertyLocalizedCategory
Gets a localized name of the component category.
(Inherited from StiContainer.)
Public propertyLocalizedName
Gets a localized component name.
(Overrides StiPageLocalizedName.)
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the form.
Public propertyLocked (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyLockHighlight (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyMargins (Overrides StiPageMargins.)
Public propertyMaxSize (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyMinSize (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyMirrorMargins (Overrides StiPageMirrorMargins.)
Public propertyMouseEnterEvent (Overrides StiComponentMouseEnterEvent.)
Public propertyMouseLeaveEvent (Overrides StiComponentMouseLeaveEvent.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets a name of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyNumberOfCopies (Overrides StiPageNumberOfCopies.)
Public propertyOffsetRectangle
Gets or sets offset of the selected components on the page.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyOrientation (Overrides StiPageOrientation.)
Public propertyPage (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyPageHeight (Overrides StiPagePageHeight.)
Public propertyPageInfoV1 (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyPageInfoV2 (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyPageWidth (Overrides StiPagePageWidth.)
Public propertyPaperSize (Overrides StiPagePaperSize.)
Public propertyPaperSourceFirstPage (Overrides StiPagePaperSourceFirstPage.)
Public propertyPaperSourceOfFirstPage (Overrides StiPagePaperSourceOfFirstPage.)
Public propertyPaperSourceOfOtherPages (Overrides StiPagePaperSourceOfOtherPages.)
Public propertyPaperSourceOtherPages (Overrides StiPagePaperSourceOtherPages.)
Public propertyParent (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyParentBookmark
Gets or sets parent bookmark for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyPlaceOnToolbox
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to place component in toolbox or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyPrintable (Overrides StiPagePrintable.)
Public propertyPrintHeadersFootersFromPreviousPage (Overrides StiPagePrintHeadersFootersFromPreviousPage.)
Public propertyPrintOn (Overrides StiPagePrintOn.)
Public propertyPrintOnPreviousPage (Overrides StiPagePrintOnPreviousPage.)
Public propertyPriority
Gets a component priority.
(Inherited from StiPanel.)
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyPropName (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyRenderedCount
Gets or sets a value which indicates how many times the component is rendered.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyRenderingEvent (Overrides StiPageRenderingEvent.)
Public propertyReport
Gets or sets the report in which the page is located.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyReportUnit
Used for save/load page. Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyResetPageNumber (Overrides StiPageResetPageNumber.)
Public propertyRestrictions (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyRight
Gets right margin.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyRightToLeft
Gets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
Public propertySegmentPerHeight (Overrides StiPageSegmentPerHeight.)
Public propertySegmentPerWidth (Overrides StiPageSegmentPerWidth.)
Public propertySelectedComponents (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertySelectedRectangle
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertySelectionTick (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertySelectRectangle
Gets or sets a rectangle of a component selection.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyServiceCategory
Gets a service category.
(Overrides StiComponentServiceCategory.)
Public propertyServiceEnabled (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceInfo (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceName
Gets a service name.
(Inherited from StiBase.)
Public propertyServiceType
Gets a service type.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyShift
Gets or sets a value which indicates that this component can be shifted.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyShiftMode (Inherited from StiPage.)
Public propertyShowQuickButtons
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to show quick buttons.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the size of the form.
Public propertySkip (Overrides StiPageSkip.)
Public propertyStartMode
Gets or sets value which indicates time when form appears.
Public propertyStartPosition
Gets or sets the starting position of the form at run time.
Protected propertyStates
Gets the component states manager.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyStopBeforePrint (Overrides StiPageStopBeforePrint.)
Public propertyStretchToPrintArea (Overrides StiPageStretchToPrintArea.)
Public propertyTag (Overrides StiComponentTag.)
Public propertyTagValue
Gets or sets tag of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text associated with this control.
Public propertyTitleBeforeHeader (Overrides StiPageTitleBeforeHeader.)
Public propertyToolboxCategory (Inherited from StiPanel.)
Public propertyToolboxPosition
Gets value to sort a position in the toolbox.
(Inherited from StiPanel.)
Public propertyToolTip (Overrides StiComponentToolTip.)
Public propertyToolTipValue
Gets or sets a component tips.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyTop
Public propertyUnit (Overrides StiPageUnit.)
Public propertyUnlimitedBreakable (Overrides StiPageUnlimitedBreakable.)
Public propertyUnlimitedHeight (Overrides StiPageUnlimitedHeight.)
Public propertyUnlimitedWidth (Overrides StiPageUnlimitedWidth.)
Public propertyUseParentStyles (Overrides StiPageUseParentStyles.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is displayed.
Public propertyWatermark (Overrides StiPageWatermark.)
Public propertyWidth
Public propertyWindowState
Gets or sets the form's window state.
Public propertyZoom (Overrides StiPageZoom.)
See Also