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Stimulsoft.Report.Dialogs Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Report.Dialogs"]

Public classStiArrayList
Public classStiButtonControl
Represents a Windows button control.
Public classStiCheckBoxControl
Represents a Windows check box.
Public classStiCheckedListBoxControl
Displays a ListBox in which a check box is displayed to the left of each item.
Public classStiComboBoxControl
Represents a Windows combo box control.
Public classStiCustomControl
Public classStiDateTimePickerControl
Represents a Windows date-time picker control.
Public classStiDialogsProvider
This class provide base service for dialogs rendering.
Public classStiForm
Represents a dialog box.
Public classStiGridColumn
Describes a grid column.
Public classStiGridColumnsCollection
Describes the grid coumn collection.
Public classStiGridControl
Displays datasource in a scrollable grid.
Public classStiGroupBoxControl
Represents a Windows group box.
Public classStiLabelControl
Represents a standard Windows label.
Public classStiListBoxControl
Represents a Windows list box control.
Public classStiListViewControl
Represents a Windows List View control for displaying an ListView.
Public classStiLookUpBoxControl
Represents a Windows combo box control.
Public classStiNumericUpDownControl
Represents a Windows up-down control that displays numeric values.
Public classStiPanelControl
Represents a Windows Panel control.
Public classStiPictureBoxControl
Represents a Windows picture box control for displaying an image.
Public classStiRadioButtonControl
Represents a Windows radio button.
Public classStiReportControl
Describes the base class for all report controls.
Public classStiRichTextBoxControl
Represents a Windows text box control.
Public classStiTextBoxControl
Represents a Windows text box control.
Public classStiTreeViewControl
Represents a Windows Tree View control for displaying an TreeView.
Public classStiWinDialogsProvider
This class provide forms rendering.
Public enumerationStiFormStartMode