An object helps to work with IStiBreakable interface.
Used to output columns on the DataBand.
Used to output columns on the Panel.
Gets or sets a container in what rendering of bands is done.
Contains a freespace in a container in what the printing is done. Used to output Cross bands only.
If true then it is impossible to change stream of printing.
Флаг устанавливается во время рендеринга StiBandsOnAllPages для того, чтобы датабэнды, которые выводятся на каждой странице, не обнуляли этот список
If true then the Render method of a container will not render components of the Master type. This property is used with the RenderSimpleComponents method of a page. It is used to deny master components and render simple ones.
Used to output EmptyBands in the current container.
Saved pointer from the first pass of the report rendering. This pointer is requied for rendering the table of contents component.
Cotnains a collection of Footers which should be output on the bottom of a page. The list is filled when stream rendering and the list is cleared when rendering of the current stream is finished.
Contains a freespace in a container in what the printing is done.
If true then UnlimitedHeight property is ignored when NewPage method is called.
This property is set to true for printing CrossBands.
If true then it is allowed to add any Bookmarks. If false then add Bookmarks of components which the IsRendered property = false (in other words it is rendered first time). This property allows adding Bookmarks for static components only once (to avoid duplication).
Returns true if the first DataBand is printed on the current page.
Returns true if the last DataBand is printed on the current page.
Contains a list of stored bands for keepFirstDetailTogether property
If an engine is slave then this reference indicates the parent report engine.
Gets or sets a master report that is being rendered in the current moment.
Gets or sets a page in what rendering of bands is done.
Коллекция служит для определения случая пропуска генерации новой страницы или новой колонки при помощи свойства SkipFirst. Если бэнд уже пропускал один раз генерацию новой страницы или колонки, то он заносится в эту коллекцию.
Indicates the current position bands output on the Y axis on the bottom of a page.
Indicates the current position bands output on the X axis.
Indicates the current position bands output on the Y axis.
Contains a collection of bands which should be output on the bottom of a page. The list is filled when stream rendering and the list is cleared when rendering of the current stream is finished.
Contains the list of bands which should be passed when rendering.
Gets or sets a report that is being rendered in the current moment.
Contains a list of Slave Engines.
An object helps to output static bands on a page.
Gets or sets a container from a template. This page is being rendered in the current moment. If a page is output then the TemplateContainer property is equal in TemplatePage.
Gets or sets a page from a template. This page is being rendered in the current moment.
This object helps to print groups of bands from containers which are placed directly on a page.
Adds a specified container into the container for output.
Adds a FooterMarker (special container) into the current container of output. A container-marker is used for the engine to know on what place in a container of output FooterBands for PrintOnAllPages should be replaced after their rendering is complete.
Adds a container-marker of the beginning of grouping before the last rendered DataBand.
Adds a container-marker of the beginning of grouping into the current position of output in the stream.
Adds a container-marker of the end of grouping into the current position of output in the stream.
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Contains a collection of bands which should be output on all pages.