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Export Properties

The StiOptionsExport type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAutoGenerateFileNameInSendEMail
Gets or sets value which indicates that file name for Send EMail function will be generated automatically.
Public propertyStatic memberCheckBoxTextForFalse
Gets or sets a text of checkbox for true
Public propertyStatic memberCheckBoxTextForTrue
Gets or sets a text of checkbox for true
Public propertyStatic memberDisableClearTypeDuringExport
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to disable ClearType feature during export.
Public propertyStatic memberOptimizeDataOnlyMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to optimize exports in DataOnly mode.
Public propertyStatic memberUseCacheModeForStiMatrix
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use cache mode for the StiMatrix.
See Also