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StiExportFormat Enumeration

Modes for formats the report to be exported to.

Namespace:  Stimulsoft.Report
Assembly:  Stimulsoft.Report (in Stimulsoft.Report.dll) Version: 2019.3.1.0
public enum StiExportFormat
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 Export will not be done.
Pdf1 Adobe PDF format for export.
Xps2 Microsoft Xps format for export.
HtmlTable3 HTML Table format for export.
HtmlSpan4 HTML Span format for export.
HtmlDiv5 HTML Div format for export.
Rtf6 RTF format for export.
RtfTable7 Table in Rtf format for export.
RtfFrame8 Components of the report will be placed into RTF frames for export.
RtfWinWord9 Components of the report will be placed into RTF frames with borders in Microsoft Word graphic format for export.
RtfTabbedText10 Mode for export to the RTF format with Tab symbol as delimiter of the text.
Text11 Text format for export.
Excel12 Excel BIFF (Binary Interchange File Format) format for export.
ExcelXml13 Excel Xml format for export.
Excel200714 Excel 2007 format for export.
Word200715 Word 2007 format for export.
Xml16 Xml format for export.
Csv17 CSV (Comma Separated Value) file format for export.
Dif18 Dif file format for export.
Sylk19 Sylk file format for export.
Image20 Image format for export.
ImageGif21 Image in GIF format for export.
ImageBmp22 Image in BMP format for export.
ImagePng23 Image in PNG format for export.
ImageTiff24 Image in TIFF format for export.
ImageJpeg25 Image in JPEG format for export.
ImagePcx26 Image in PCX format for export.
ImageEmf27 Image in EMF format for export.
ImageSvg28 Image in SVG format for export.
ImageSvgz29 Image in SVGZ format for export.
Mht30 WebArchive format for export.
Dbf31 dBase/FoxPro format for export.
Html32 HTML format for export.
Ods33 OpenDocument Calc file
Odt34 OpenDocument Writer file
Ppt200735 PowerPoint 2007 format for export
Html536 HTML5 format for export.
Data37 Universal format for all data type of exports.
Json38 JSON format for export.
Document1000 Document MDC file.
See Also