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StiTableCellRichText Properties

The StiTableCellRichText type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAfterPrintEvent
Occurs after the component printing.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyAlias
Gets or sets a text that will be shown instead of a component name. If the text is not indicated then the name is shown.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyAllowDelete
Gets a value which indicates whether deleting of the components is allowed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyAnchor
Gets or sets a value which indicates the mode of linking component location to the parent component size.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets a back color.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyBeforePrintEvent
Occurs before printing of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyBookmark
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component bookmark.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyBookmarkValue
Gets or sets the component bookmark.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyBorder
Gets or sets frame of the component.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyBottom
Gets bottom position of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyCanBreak
Gets or sets value which indicates whether the component can or cannot break its contents on several pages.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyCanGrow (Overrides StiComponentCanGrow.)
Public propertyCanShrink (Overrides StiComponentCanShrink.)
Public propertyCellDockStyle
Get or sets a type of the cell docking.
Public propertyCellType
Get or sets a type of the cell content.
Public propertyChangeLeftPosition
Public propertyChangeRightPosition
Public propertyChangeTopPosition
Public propertyClickEvent
Occurs when user clicks on the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyClientRectangle
Gets or sets the client area of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyColumn
Public propertyComponentGuid
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyComponentId (Overrides StiRichTextComponentId.)
Public propertyComponentPlacement
Gets or sets a value which indicates placement of a simple component. Available values: "rt" - StiReportTitleBand "rs" - StiReportSummaryBand "ph" - StiPageHeaderBand "pf" - StiPageFooterBand "h" - StiHeaderBand "h.ap" - StiHeaderBand (OnAllPages) "f" - StiFooterBand "f.ap" - StiFooterBand (OnAllPages) "d" - StiDataBand "gh" - StiGroupHeaderBand "gf" - StiGroupFooterBand "e" - StiEmptyBand "p" - StiPage
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyComponentStyle
Gets or sets a style of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyComponentType
Gets the type of processing when printing.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyConditions
Gets or sets the collection of conditions.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyCurrentBookmark
Gets or sets current bookmark for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the RTF text.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyDataUrl
Gets or sets a URL that contains the RTF text.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyDefaultClientRectangle
Gets the default client area of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDefaultColor
Gets or sets default Color.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyDefaultFont
Gets or sets default font.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyDelimiterComponent
Gets or sets a value indicates that this component is used as the delimiter.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDetectUrls
Gets or sets detection of urls.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyDisplayRectangle
Gets or sets a rectangle of the component which it fills. Docking occurs in accordance to the area of a component (Cross - components are docked by ClientRectangle).
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDockable
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the component will be docked or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDockStyle (Overrides StiComponentDockStyle.)
Public propertyDoubleClickEvent
Occurs when user double clicks on the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyDrillDownParameters (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyEditable
Gets or sets value indicates that a component can be edited in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value which indicates will this component be available or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Protected propertyEvents (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyFixedWidth
Gets or sets a value which indicates that the cell have fixed width.
Public propertyForceRedrawAll
Gets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to draw again the whole page when moving the component or changing its sizes in the designer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyFullConvertExpression
Gets or sets value which indicates that it is necessary to fully convert the expression to Rtf format. Full convertion of expressions slows down the report rendering.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyGetBookmarkEvent
Occurs when getting of the Bookmark for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyGetDataUrlEvent
Occurs when the DataUrl is calculated.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyGetDrillDownReportEvent
Occurs when it is required to get a report for the Drill-Down operation.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyGetHyperlinkEvent
Occurs when getting Hyperlink for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyGetTagEvent
Occurs when getting a Tag for a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyGetToolTipEvent
Occurs when getting the ToolTip for the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyGetValueEvent
Occurs when the text is being prepared for rendering.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyGlobalizedName (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyGrowToHeight (Overrides StiComponentGrowToHeight.)
Public propertyGuid
Gets or sets a guid of component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyHeight (Overrides StiComponentHeight.)
Public propertyHelpUrl (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyHideZeros (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyHighlightState
Gets or sets a state of highlight.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyHyperlink
Gets or sets an expression to fill a component hyperlink.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyHyperlinkValue
Gets or sets hyperlink of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyID
Public propertyIgnoreNamingRule
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyImage (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyInherited (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyInteraction
Gets interaction options of this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyInvalidateOnMouseOver
Gets a value which indicates whether invalidating of the component occurs when a mouse pointer is above the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsAutomaticDock
Gets a value which indicates that this is an automatic docking.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsCross
Gets a value indicating that this is the Cross component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsDesigning
Gets a value which indicates that the report in which a component is placed is being designed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsEnabled (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsEventEmpty
Gets a value which indicates that all events are empty.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsExporting
Gets or sets value, which indicates that the report is exporting.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsPrinting
Gets a value which indicates that the component has already been printed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsRendered
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the component is rendered or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyIsSelected
Gets or sets value indicates is the component selected or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyJoin
Public propertyJoinCells
Public propertyJoinHeight
Public propertyJoinWidth
Public propertyLeft (Overrides StiComponentLeft.)
Public propertyLinesOfUnderline (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyLinesOfUnderlining
Gets or sets value indicates that it is necessary to lines of underlining.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyLinked (Overrides StiComponentLinked.)
Public propertyLocalizedCategory
Gets a localized name of the component category.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyLocalizedName
Gets a localized component name.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyLocked (Overrides StiComponentLocked.)
Public propertyMargins
Gets or sets text margins.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyMaxNumberOfLines (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyMaxSize (Overrides StiComponentMaxSize.)
Public propertyMerged
Public propertyMinSize (Overrides StiComponentMinSize.)
Public propertyMouseEnterEvent
Occurs when user enters the mouse into the area of the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyMouseLeaveEvent
Occurs when user leaves the mouse out of the area of the component in the window of viewer.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets a name of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyOnlyText
Gets or sets value indicates that the text expression contains a text only.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyPage
Gets or sets the page on which an object is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyParent
Gets or sets the container in which an object is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyParentBookmark
Gets or sets parent bookmark for this component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyParentJoin
Public propertyParentJoinCell
Public propertyPlaceOnToolbox
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to place component in toolbox or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyPrintable
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the component is printable or not.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyPrintOn
Gets or sets a value which indicates on what pages component will be printed.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyPriority
Gets a component priority.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyProcessAt
Gets or sets a value indicates whether to process a text expression of this component at the end of the page rendering or at the end of the report rendering.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyProcessAtEnd
Gets or sets value indicates that a text is processed at the end of the report execution.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyProcessingDuplicates (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyPropName (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyRenderedCount
Gets or sets a value which indicates how many times the component is rendered.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyReport
Gets or sets the report in which the component is located.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyRestrictions (Overrides StiComponentRestrictions.)
Public propertyRight
Gets right position of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyRightToLeft
Gets or sets horizontal output direction.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyRtfText
Gets or sets text in rtf format.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertySelectionTick (Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertySelectRectangle
Gets or sets a rectangle of a component selection.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyServiceCategory
Gets a category of services.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyServiceEnabled (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceInfo (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceName
Gets a service name.
(Inherited from StiBase.)
Public propertyServiceType
Gets a service type.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyShift
Gets or sets a value which indicates that this component can be shifted.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyShiftMode
Gets or sets a value which indicates the shift mode of the component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyShowQuickButtons
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether it is necessary to show quick buttons.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Protected propertyStates
Gets the component states manager.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyTableTag
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tag.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyTagValue
Gets or sets tag of a component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyText (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyTextValue
Gets or sets text value. If the text is not null thet it is necessary to use this text.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyToolboxCategory (Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyToolboxPosition
Gets value to sort a position in the toolbox.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the expression to fill a component tooltip.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyToolTipValue
Gets or sets a component tips.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyTop (Overrides StiComponentTop.)
Public propertyTotalValueHelp
Internal use only.
(Inherited from StiSimpleText.)
Public propertyUseParentStyles
Gets or sets a value which indicates that this component must use styles from parent component.
(Inherited from StiComponent.)
Public propertyWidth (Overrides StiComponentWidth.)
Public propertyWordWrap
Gets or sets word wrap.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
Public propertyWysiwyg
Gets or sets value which indicates that it is necessary to use the Wysiwyg mode of the rendering.
(Inherited from StiRichText.)
See Also