Click or drag to resize

StiPageContextPaintEventArgs Properties

The StiPageContextPaintEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientRectangle
Gets client rectangle.
(Inherited from StiPagePaintEventArgs.)
Public propertyClipRectangle
Gets clip rectangle.
(Inherited from StiPagePaintEventArgs.)
Public propertyContext
Gets page context.
Public propertyFullRectangle
Gets full rectangle.
(Inherited from StiPagePaintEventArgs.)
Public propertyGraphics
Gets page graphics.
(Inherited from StiPagePaintEventArgs.)
Public propertyIsDesigning
Gets value which indicates page is designing.
(Inherited from StiPagePaintEventArgs.)
Public propertyIsPrinting
Gets value which indicates page is printing.
(Inherited from StiPagePaintEventArgs.)
See Also