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BusinessObjects Properties

The StiOptionsDictionaryBusinessObjects type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAddBusinessObjectAssemblyToReferencedAssembliesAutomatically
Public propertyStatic memberAllowProcessNullItemsInEnumerables
Public propertyStatic memberAllowUseDataColumn
Public propertyStatic memberAllowUseFields
Public propertyStatic memberAllowUseProperties
Public propertyStatic memberCheckTableDuplication
Gets or sets a value, which controls that enumerable sources with the same names.
Public propertyStatic memberColumnsSynchronizationMode
Public propertyStatic memberDelimeter
Gets or sets a delimiter between a name of the enumerable data source and its column names for the child tables in the master-detail relation.
Public propertyStatic memberFieldsProcessingType
Gets or sets a value, which controls processing of fields in business objects.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxLevel
Gets or sets the maximal nested level of master-detail relations in enumerable sources.
Public propertyStatic memberPropertiesProcessingType
Gets or sets a value, which controls processing of properties in business objects.
See Also