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StiPieSeries Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Stimulsoft.Report.Chart.StiPieSeries"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Stimulsoft.Report.Chart
Assembly:  Stimulsoft.Report (in Stimulsoft.Report.dll) Version: 2019.3.1.0
public class StiPieSeries : StiSeries, 
	IStiPieSeries, IStiSeries, ICloneable, IStiJsonReportObject, IStiAllowApplyBorderColor, 

The StiPieSeries type exposes the following members.

Public methodStiPieSeries
Initializes a new instance of the StiPieSeries class
Public propertyAllowApplyBorderColor
Gets or sets value which allow to use border color from series settings.
Public propertyAllowApplyBrush
Gets or sets value which allow to use brush from series settings.
Public propertyAllowApplyStyle
Gets or sets value which indicates that chart style will be used.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyAllowSeries (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyAllowSeriesElements (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyArgument (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyArgumentDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the argument value.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyArguments (Overrides StiSeriesArguments.)
Public propertyArgumentsString (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyAutoSeriesColorDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the color of auto created series. Color must be presented as string.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyAutoSeriesKeyDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the key of auto created series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyAutoSeriesTitleDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the title of auto created series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyBorderColor
Gets or sets border color of series pie.
Public propertyBrush
Gets or sets brush which will used to fill pie area.
Public propertyChart (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyComponentId (Overrides StiSeriesComponentId.)
Public propertyConditions
Gets or sets collection of conditions which can be used to change behavior of series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyCore (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyCoreTitle (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyCutPieList
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of cut pie segments. Example: 1;4;6
Public propertyCutPieListValues
Public propertyDiameter
Gets or sets fixed size of diameter of pie series.
Public propertyDistance
Gets or sets distance between the center of series and the center of each segment.
Public propertyDrillDownEnabled
Gets or sets value which indicates whether the Drill-Down operation can be executed.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyDrillDownPage
Gets or sets a page for the Drill-Down operation.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyDrillDownPageGuid (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyDrillDownReport
Gets or sets a path to a report for the Drill-Down operation.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyFilterMode
Gets or sets filter mode of series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyFilters
Gets or sets filters which used to filter series values.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyFormat
Gets or sets string that is used to format series values.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetArgumentEvent
Occurs when getting the property Argument.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetCutPieListEvent
Occurs when getting the cut pie list.
Public propertyGetHyperlinkEvent
Occurs when getting the Hyperlink for the series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetListOfArgumentsEvent
Occurs when getting the list of arguments.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetListOfHyperlinksEvent
Occurs when getting the list of Hyperlinks.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetListOfTagsEvent
Occurs when getting the list of Tags.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetListOfToolTipsEvent
Occurs when getting the list of ToolTips.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetListOfValuesEvent
Occurs when getting the list of values.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetTagEvent
Occurs when getting the Tag for the series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetTitleEvent
Occurs when getting the property Title.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetToolTipEvent
Occurs when getting the ToolTip for the series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyGetValueEvent
Occurs when getting the property Value.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyHyperlink
Gets or sets the expression to fill a series hyperlink.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyHyperlinkDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the hyperlink value.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyHyperlinks (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyHyperlinkString (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyInteraction
Gets interaction options of this series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyLighting
Public propertyListOfArguments
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of arguments. Example: 1;2;3
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyListOfHyperlinks
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of hyperlinks. Example: 1;2;3
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyListOfTags
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of tags. Example: 1;2;3
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyListOfToolTips
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of tool tips. Example: 1;2;3
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyListOfValues
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of values. Example: 1;2;3
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyNewAutoSeriesEvent
Occurs when new auto series is created.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyParent (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyPropName (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertySeriesLabels
Gets or sets series labels settings.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyServiceCategory
Gets a service category.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyServiceEnabled (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceInfo (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceName
Gets a service name.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyServiceType
Gets a service type.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyShowInLegend
Gets or sets value which indicates that series must be shown in legend.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyShowSeriesLabels
Gets or sets series labels output mode.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyShowShadow
Gets or sets value which indicates draw shadow or no.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyShowZeros
Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is necessary to show the series element, if the series value of this column is 0.
Public propertySortBy
Gets or sets mode of series values sorting.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertySortDirection
Gets or sets sort direction.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyStartAngle
Gets or sets start rotation angle of series.
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the expression to fill a series tag.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTagDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the tag value.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTags (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTagString (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets title of series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTitleValue
Gets or sets title of series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the expression to fill a series tooltip.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyToolTipDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the tool tip value.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyToolTips (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyToolTipsString (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTopN
Gets or sets parameters of displaying top results.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTopNAllowed (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyTrendLine (Overrides StiSeriesTrendLine.)
Public propertyTrendLineAllowed (Overrides StiSeriesTrendLineAllowed.)
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets point value expression. Example: {Order.Value}
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyValueDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the point value.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyValues (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyValuesStart (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyValuesString (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public propertyYAxis
Gets or sets Y Axis for series on which will output string representation of arguments.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodBaseTransform (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Overrides StiSeriesClone.)
Public methodCreateNew (Overrides StiSeriesCreateNew.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetDefaultAreaType (Overrides StiSeriesGetDefaultAreaType.)
Public methodGetEvents (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetProperties (Overrides StiSeriesGetProperties(IStiPropertyGrid, StiLevel).)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInvokeGetArgument
Raises the GetArgument event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetCutPieList
Raises the GetCutPieList event.
Public methodInvokeGetHyperlink
Raises the GetHyperlink event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetListOfArguments
Raises the GetListOfArguments event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetListOfHyperlinks
Raises the GetListOfHyperlinks event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetListOfTags
Raises the GetListOfTags event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetListOfToolTips
Raises the GetListOfToolTips event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetListOfValues
Raises the GetListOfValues event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetTag
Raises the GetTag event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetTitle
Raises the GetTitle event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetToolTip
Raises the GetToolTip event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeGetValue
Raises the GetValue event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodInvokeNewAutoSeries (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodIsPropertiesInitializedProtected (Inherited from StiService.)
Public methodIsPropertyPresent (Inherited from StiService.)
Public methodLoadFromJsonObject (Overrides StiSeriesLoadFromJsonObject(JObject).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnGetArgument
Raises the GetArgument event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetCutPieList
Raises the values event.
Protected methodOnGetHyperlink
Raises the GetHyperlink event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetListOfArguments
Raises the Arguments event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetListOfHyperlinks
Raises the Hyperlinks event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetListOfTags
Raises the GetListOfTags event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetListOfToolTips
Raises the GetListOfToolTips event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetListOfValues
Raises the values event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetTag
Raises the GetTag event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetTitle
Raises the GetTitle event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetToolTip
Raises the GetToolTip event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Protected methodOnGetValue
Raises the GetValue event.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodPackService (Inherited from StiService.)
Public methodProcessSeriesBrushes (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodProcessSeriesColors (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public methodSaveToJsonObject (Overrides StiSeriesSaveToJsonObject(StiJsonSaveMode).)
Public methodToString (Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetArgument
Occurs when getting the property Argument.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetCutPieList
Occurs when getting the cut pie list.
Public eventGetHyperlink
Occurs when getting the Hyperlink for the series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetListOfArguments
Occurs when getting the list of arguments.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetListOfHyperlinks
Occurs when getting the list of Hyperlinks.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetListOfTags
Occurs when getting the list of Tags.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetListOfToolTips
Occurs when getting the list of tooltips.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetListOfValues
Occurs when getting the list of values.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetTag
Occurs when getting the Tag for the series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetTitle
Occurs when getting the property Title.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetToolTip
Occurs when getting the ToolTip for the series.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventGetValue
Occurs when getting the property Value.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
Public eventNewAutoSeries
Occurs when new auto series is created.
(Inherited from StiSeries.)
See Also