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StiBaseStyle Properties

The StiBaseStyle type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCollectionName
Gets or sets a name of the styles collection.
Public propertyComponentId
Public propertyConditions
Gets or sets a collection of the style conditions.
Public propertyDashboardName
Gets or sets a style name.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets a style description.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets a style name.
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyPropName
Public propertyServiceCategory (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceEnabled (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceInfo (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceName (Inherited from StiService.)
Public propertyServiceType
Gets a service type.
(Overrides StiServiceServiceType.)
Public propertyStatic memberWindowsScaleInternal
See Also