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Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Table Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Table"]

Public classStiColorScaleColumn
Describes a meter class which contains information about Color-Scale Columns of the table element.
Public classStiDataBarsColumn
Describes a meter class which contains information about Data-Bar Columns of the table element.
Public classStiDimensionColumn
Describes a meter class which contains information about Dimension Columns of the table element.
Public classStiIndicatorColumn
Describes a meter class which contains information about Indicator Columns of the table element.
Public classStiMeasureColumn
Describes a meter class which contains information about Measure Columns of the table element.
Public classStiSparklinesColumn
Describes a meter class which contains information about Sparklines Columns of the table element.
Public classStiTableColumn
Describes a meter class which contains information about Table Columns of the table element.
Public classStiTableElement
Table component of the dashboards.
Public enumerationStiDataBarsBrushType
Styles of brush for drawing Data Bars Indicator
Public enumerationStiDataBarsDirection
In which direction data bar will be filled by brush, from left to right or from right to left.
Public enumerationStiSparklinesType
Types of the sparklines