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StiCode39ExtBarCodeType Methods

The StiCode39ExtBarCodeType type exposes the following members.

Protected methodBaseDrawImage (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseDrawRectangle (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseDrawString(Object, String, Font, StiBrush, RectangleF, StringFormat) (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseDrawString(Object, String, Font, StiBrush, Single, Single) (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseFillEllipse (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseFillPolygon (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseFillRectangle (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseFillRectangle2D (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseMeasureString (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseRollbackTransform (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodBaseTransform (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodCalculateSize2 (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodCalculateSizeFull (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodCheckCodeSymbols
Remove from string all undefined symbols.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodClone (Inherited from StiService.)
Protected methodCodeToBar (Inherited from StiCode39BarCodeType.)
Public methodCreateNew (Overrides StiCode39BarCodeTypeCreateNew.)
Public methodDraw (Overrides StiCode39BarCodeTypeDraw(Object, StiBarCode, RectangleF, Single).)
Protected methodDraw2DBarCode (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodDrawBarCode
Draws bar code.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodDrawBarCodeError(Object, RectangleF, StiBarCode) (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodDrawBarCodeError(Object, RectangleF, StiBarCode, String) (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodDrawBars
Draws content of bar code.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodDrawMaxicode (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCode
Returns string of char - input data for calculation of bar code.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodGetCombinedCode (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodGetEvents (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetProperties (Overrides StiCode39BarCodeTypeGetProperties(IStiPropertyGrid, StiLevel).)
Protected methodGetSymbolsStringWidth
Returns width of string in modules.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodGetSymbolWidth
Returns width of one symbol in module.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodIsPropertiesInitializedProtected (Inherited from StiService.)
Public methodIsPropertyPresent (Inherited from StiService.)
Protected methodIsSymbolLong
Returns true if one line is long.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodIsSymbolPostDescend
Returns true if short line is post-descend
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodIsSymbolSpace
Returns true is char is space.
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodLoadFromJsonObject (Inherited from StiCode39BarCodeType.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPackService (Inherited from StiService.)
Protected methodRollbackTransform (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Public methodSaveToJsonObject (Inherited from StiCode39BarCodeType.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
Protected methodTranslateRect
Translate coordinates using vertical and horizontal justify
(Inherited from StiBarCodeTypeService.)
See Also