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Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Interactions Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Interactions"]

Public classStiChartDashboardInteraction
Describes an interaction functionality of the chart element.
Public classStiDashboardDrillDownParameter
Describes a parameter object which is used for the drill-down functionality.
Public classStiDashboardInteraction
This is a base class which describes properties and methods to work with an element interactifity.
Public classStiRegionMapDashboardInteraction
Describes an interaction functionality of the region-map element.
Public classStiTableColumnDashboardInteraction
Describes an interaction functionality of the table column.
Public classStiTableDashboardInteraction
Describes an interaction functionality of the table element.
Public interfaceIStiAllowUserDrillDownDashboardInteraction
Describes access to the enable/disable property of an user drill-down functionality.
Public interfaceIStiAllowUserFilteringDashboardInteraction
Describes access to the enable/disable property of an user filtering functionality.
Public interfaceIStiAllowUserSortingDashboardInteraction
Describes access to the enable/disable property of an user sorting functionality.