Click or drag to resize

Html Properties

The StiOptionsExportHtml type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAllowImageComparer
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use image comparer.
Public propertyStatic memberAllowStrippedImages
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use stripped images. For compatibility with 2011.3 and earlier versions set this property to false.
Public propertyStatic memberArabicDigitsType
Gets or sets a value indicating a current arabic type of digits.
Public propertyStatic memberChartAsBitmap
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force export chart as bitmap.
Public propertyStatic memberConvertDigitsToArabic
Gets or sets a value, which indicates whether it is necessary to convert all digits to arabic digits.
Public propertyStatic memberForcedCultureForCharts
Gets or sets a forced culture for the charts rendering.
Public propertyStatic memberForceIE6Compatibility
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use compatibility with IE6.
Public propertyStatic memberForceWysiwygWordwrap
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to force wordwrap in wysiwyg mode.
Public propertyStatic memberPreserveWhiteSpaces
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to preserve the white spaces. HTML5 export mode is not supported.
Public propertyStatic memberPrintLayoutOptimization
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use layout optimization for correct printing. Disable for compatibility with version 2014.1
Public propertyStatic memberRemoveEmptySpaceAtBottom
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to remove empty space at the bottom of page
Public propertyStatic memberReplaceSpecialCharacters
Public propertyStatic memberUseComponentStyleName
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use ComponentStyle as the style name.
Public propertyStatic memberUseExtendedStyle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use extended style description for fix the styles inheritance problem
Public propertyStatic memberUseImageResolution
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use image resolution
Public propertyStatic memberUseStrictTableCellSize
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use strict table cell size. For compatibility with 2012.3 and earlier versions set this property to false.
Public propertyStatic memberUseStrictTableCellSizeV2
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use strict table cell size. For compatibility with 2016.3 and earlier versions set this property to false.
Public propertyStatic memberUseWordWrapBreakWordMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to use BreakWord mode of wordwrap For compatibility with 2009.2 and earlier versions set this property to false.
See Also