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StiSeriesInteraction Properties

The StiSeriesInteraction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowSeries
Gets or sets value which indicates that the Drill-Down operation can be executed for Series.
Public propertyAllowSeriesElements
Gets or sets value which indicates that the Drill-Down operation can be executed for Series Elements.
Public propertyComponentId
Public propertyDrillDownEnabled
Gets or sets value which indicates whether the Drill-Down operation can be executed.
Public propertyDrillDownPage
Gets or sets a page for the Drill-Down operation.
Public propertyDrillDownPageGuid
Public propertyDrillDownReport
Gets or sets a path to a report for the Drill-Down operation.
Public propertyHyperlink
Gets or sets an expression to fill a series hyperlink.
Public propertyHyperlinkDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the hyperlink value.
Public propertyIsDefault
Public propertyListOfHyperlinks
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of hyperlinks. Example: 1;2;3
Public propertyListOfTags
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of tags. Example: 1;2;3
Public propertyListOfToolTips
Gets or sets the expression to fill a list of tool tips. Example: 1;2;3
Public propertyParentComponent
Public propertyPropName
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the expression to fill a series tag.
Public propertyTagDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the tag value.
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the expression to fill a series tooltip.
Public propertyToolTipDataColumn
Gets or sets a name of the column that contains the tool tip value.
See Also