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StiChartTable Properties

The StiChartTable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowApplyStyle
Gets or sets value which indicates that chart style will be used.
Public propertyChart
Public propertyComponentId
Public propertyCore
Public propertyDataCells
Gets or sets Data Cells settings.
Public propertyFormat
Gets or sets format string which used for formating of the chart table.
Public propertyGridLineColor
Gets or sets grid lines color.
Public propertyGridLinesHor
Gets or sets visibility of grid lines horizontal.
Public propertyGridLinesVert
Gets or sets visibility of grid lines vertical.
Public propertyGridOutline
Gets or sets visibility of grid outline.
Public propertyHeader
Gets or sets header settings.
Public propertyMarkerVisible
Gets or sets visibility of markers.
Public propertyPropName
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets visibility of table.
See Also