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StiDoughnutSeriesElementGeom Properties

The StiDoughnutSeriesElementGeom type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowMouseOver (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyAreaGeom (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyBeginTime
Public propertyBorderColor
Public propertyBrush
Public propertyBrushDark
Public propertyBrushLight
Public propertyChildGeoms (Inherited from StiCellGeom.)
Public propertyClientRectangle
Gets or sets client rectangle of this geom object.
(Inherited from StiCellGeom.)
Public propertyElementIndex (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyEndAngle
Public propertyIndex (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyInteraction (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyInvisible
Gets value which indicates that this geom object is inivisible
(Inherited from StiCellGeom.)
Public propertyIsMouseOver (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyIsSelected (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyPath
Public propertyPathDark
Public propertyPathLight
Public propertyRadiusFrom
Public propertyRadiusTo
Public propertySeries (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertySeriesBrush (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
Public propertyStartAngle
Public propertyType (Inherited from StiCellGeom.)
Public propertyValue (Inherited from StiSeriesElementGeom.)
See Also