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StiChartTitle Properties

The StiChartTitle type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignment
Gets os sets alignment of chart title.
Public propertyAllowApplyStyle
Gets or sets value which indicates that chart style will be used.
Public propertyAntialiasing
Gets or sets value which control antialiasing drawing mode of chart title.
Public propertyBrush
Gets or sets text brush of the chart title.
Public propertyChart
Public propertyComponentId
Public propertyCore
Public propertyDock
Gets or sets docking ot chart title.
Public propertyFont
Gets or sets font of the chart title.
Public propertyPropName
Public propertySpacing
Gets or sets spacing between chart title and chart area.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets text of the chart title.
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets visibility of chart title.
See Also