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IStiListBoxElement Properties

The IStiListBoxElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackColor (Inherited from IStiBackColor.)
Public propertyCustomStyleName (Inherited from IStiDashboardElementStyle.)
Public propertyDataFilters (Inherited from IStiDataFilters.)
Public propertyDataTransformation (Inherited from IStiDataTransformationElement.)
Public propertyFont
Gets or sets font of component.
(Inherited from IStiFont.)
Public propertyForeColor (Inherited from IStiForeColor.)
Public propertyGroup (Inherited from IStiGroupElement.)
Public propertyIsDefined (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertyIsDesigning (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertyIsEnabled (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertyIsQuerable (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertyKey (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertyName (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertyPage (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertyReport (Inherited from IStiElement.)
Public propertySelectionMode (Inherited from IStiItemElement.)
Public propertyShowAllValue (Inherited from IStiItemElement.)
Public propertyStyle (Inherited from IStiDashboardElementStyle.)
Public propertyTextFormat
Gets or sets the format of the text.
(Inherited from IStiTextFormat.)
Public propertyTransformActions (Inherited from IStiTransformActions.)
Public propertyTransformFilters (Inherited from IStiTransformFilters.)
Public propertyTransformSorts (Inherited from IStiTransformSorts.)
Public propertyUserFilters (Inherited from IStiUserFilters.)
Public propertyZoom (Inherited from IStiElement.)
See Also