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StiDifExportSettings Properties

The StiDifExportSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCodePage
Gets or sets code page of DBF file format. DBF format only!
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
Public propertyDataExportMode
Gets or sets data export mode. XML, JSON and SYLK formats does not support this property.
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
Public propertyDataType
Gets or sets image type for exported images.
(Overrides StiDataExportSettingsDataType.)
Public propertyEncoding
Gets or sets enconding of DIF file format. XML, JSON and DBF formats does not support this property.
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
Public propertyExportDataOnly
Gets or sets value which indicates that all formatting of exported report will be removed. XML, JSON, DBF and CSV formats does not support this property.
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
Public propertyPageRange (Inherited from StiPageRangeExportSettings.)
Public propertySeparator
Gets or sets string which represents column separator in CSV file. CSV format only!
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
Public propertySkipColumnHeaders
Gets or sets value wich indicates that export engine will be write column headers as column headers in table or as simple column values. CSV format only!
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
Public propertyTableName
Gets or sets name of the table. XML and JSON formats only!
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
Public propertyUseDefaultSystemEncoding
Gets or sets value which indicates that default system encoding will be used for DIF and SYLK formats. DIF and SYLK format only!
(Inherited from StiDataExportSettings.)
See Also