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Stimulsoft.Report.Gauge.Events Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Stimulsoft.Report.Gauge.Events"]

Public classStiGetSkipIndicesEvent
Describes the class for realization of the event GetSkipIndicesEvent.
Public classStiGetSkipValuesEvent
Describes the class for realization of the event GetSkipValuesEvent.
Public classStiGetTextEvent
Describes the class for realization of the event GetText.
Public classStiGetTextEventArgs
Describes an argument for the event GetText.
Public classStiGetValueEvent
Describes the class for realization of the event GetValue.
Public classStiGetValueEventArgs
Describes an argument for the event GetValue.
Public delegateStiGetTextEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the GetText event.
Public delegateStiGetValueEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the GetValue event.